When does The Nighthold unlock/release?
The release date is 17th January US, and 18th January EU.
The Nighthold Normal mode unlocks January 17th US, 18th EU
The Nighthold Heroic mode unlocks January 17th US, 18th EU
The Nighthold Mythic mode unlocks January 24th US, 25th EU
The Nighthold Raid Finder Wing 1 unlocks January 24th US, 25th EU
The Nighthold Raid Finder Wing 2 unlocks February 7th US, 8th EU
The Nighthold Raid Finder Wing 3 unlocks February 21st US, 22nd EU
The Nighthold Raid Finder Wing 4 unlocks Mars 7th US, 8th EU
Background Story
The largest structure in the Broken Isles, and among the grandest in all of Azeroth, the Nighthold stands as a testament to the achievements of the Nightborne civilization. Centered around the Nightwell, the fount of arcane power that has sustained Suramar for centuries, these grounds were built as a haven from the worries of the world. But as felstorm churns above the former temple of Elune across the bay, and Gul´dan himself now resides within the palace´s walls, these worries now begin, not end, here.
Loot ilvl
+ means that the gear can be Warforged or Titanforged which increases the ilvl more.
Raid Finder |
855-865+ ilvl |
Drops Tier |
Normal |
870-880+ ilvl |
Drops Tier |
Heroic |
885-895+ ilvl |
Drops Tier |
Mythic |
900-910+ ilvl |
Drops Tier |
Detailed Loot ilvl
Wing 1
Raid finder 855 ilvl
Normal 870 ilvl
Heroic 885 ilvl
Mythic 900 ilvl
Note: Trilliax drops back set peace, which is +5 ilvl higher in each difficutly.
Wing 2
Raid finder 860 ilvl
Normal 875 ilvl
Heroic 890 ilvl
Mythic 905 ilvl
Wing 3
Raid finder 860 ilvl
Normal 875 ilvl
Heroic 890 ilvl
Mythic 905 ilvl
Wing 4
Raid finder 865 ilvl
Normal 880 ilvl
Heroic 895 ilvl
Mythic 910 ilvl
Note: Gul´dan drops leg tier which is 5 ilvl lower in each difficulty.
Tier set from what bosses in The Nighthold
Back (Trilliax)
Hands (Star Augur Etraeus)
Shoulder (Tichondrius)
Chest (Krosus)
Head (Grand Magistrix Elisande)
Legs (Gul´dan)
The Nighthold consists of 10 bosses, divided in 4 wings.
Wing 1: Arcing Aqueducts
Chronomatic Anomaly
Wing 2: Royal Athenaeum
Spellblade Aluriel
Star Augur Etraeus
High Botanist Tel'arn
Wing 3: Nightspire
Grand Magistrix Elisande
Wing 4: Betrayer´s Rise
Boss Orders in Nighthold
- Skorpyron
- Chronomatic Anomaly
- Trilliax
- Can choose any order of:
Spellblade Aluriel (Patrols between the entrance of the other bosses. Better to kill as fourth)
StarAugur Etraeus
High Botanist Tel´arn
Tichondrius - Grand Magistrix Elisandre
- Gul´dan
Boss Guides
Chronomatic Anomaly
Spellblade Aluriel
High Botanist Tel'arn
Star Augur Etraeus
Grand Magistrix Elisande
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