Aluriel always had an affinity for magic. She rose through the ranks of the Nightguard effortlessly, having a natural talent with the sword. But no matter how strong she became, she wanted more. She studied with the mages at the University of Suramar, spending her days in combat training and her evenings in the artificery. She forged her weapons and armor in the Nightwell, weaving magic spells into the precious metals. She is the first Spellblade, adept in the schools of Fire, Frost, and Arcane.
This boss has 3 phases that cycles over and over.
* Frost Phase
* Fire Phase
* Arcane Phase
Each phase has its own abilities.
There is one ability against tanks that happens in every phase, Annihilate.
The base of each phase is similar.
The boss will have a debuff (Forst, fire or Arcane depending on phase).
The debuff will be followed by 2 other abilities in which the debuff will either Replicate (more players get the debuff) or Detonate.
After each detonate on each phase, adds will spawn (Frost, fire or arcane, depending on phase).
The hallmark of this fight is the positioning. As long as people are positioned proper, this fight will become much easier.
Phase 1 and Phase 2
Both tanks in front of boss.
Tank the boss on upper left side (cross)
Stand on the left side of marker and boss on right side.
Stand behind boss
Stack on the bottom side (diamond).
Players with debuff
Debuff/Marked players moves to the right side (star) and stand spread at least 8 yards.
Phase 3
Tank boss on upper left side (cross)
Move left (with tanks and boss) when Arcane Orbs spawns near you or when ranged players are coming closer to you.
Stand spread from each other around boss (not in front).
Move left (with tanks and boss) when Arcane Orbs spawns near you or when ranged are coming closer to you.
Spread out at least 8 yards, on right side off boss (star).
When Orbs hit ranged, keep standing spread.
Move closer to boss (start with bottom side (diamond) when there are too many Orbs on star area.
Tanks will move the boss left when you are coming closer.
When boss does Detonate
Entire raid moves away along the left side.
The Orbs and bombardments will be on your right side away from you and you will not take damage.
Abilities and Tactics
There is 1 ability that occurs in all phases:
Boss does a barrage of damage on up to 2 players in front of her.
The damage is split between the 2 players.
Primary target gets a debuff with 75% extra damage from normal Boss attacks that lasts for 1.5 minutes.
Tactic: Annihilate
No one stands in front of boss except the 2 tanks.
Both tanks in front of boss.
Tank swap at 2 stacks.
Use defensive cooldowns when you have Annihilate stacks on you.
This phase is the frost phase and boss will but a debuff on several players, called Mark of Frost.
Mark of Frost, Replicate and Detonate
Two random players get a Mark of Frost debuff.
The marked players will pulsate Frost damage that does damage to players within 8 yards.
Marked players also gets ticking debuff called Frostbitten.
Frostbitten increase damage by Mark of Frost by 40%.
If two marked players come onto contact with each other, they cause an explosion that does Frist damage. The Mark of Frost debuff will jump to closest players and prefers players that are not Frostbitten.
Replicate Mark of Frost: Boss puts a debuff on 2 more players.
Detonate: Mark of Frost: The boss detonates all players that have the Mark of Frost debuff and the explosion cause a Pool of Frost on the ground. The pool does frost damage and slows the player.
Tactic: Mark of Frost, Replicate and Detonate
Tank boss on top left side (cross). Stand on the left side of the marker.
Behind boss
Ranged players (dps and heal)
Stacks on Bottom side (Diamond).
Players with debuff
Debuff players move to the right side (star) and stand at least 10 yards away from each other.
Debuff players use class abilities to survive as long as possible with Frostbitten stacks.
When it is to high damage, 2 players stack together.
Move to the raid when the debuff is gone.
This will give a debuff on 2 closest, which will be from the raid stacked at star.
The 2 new players with debuff moves to diamond and stand at least 10 yards away from each other.
Beware of heavy damage on players with the debuff.
After boss has done replicate (2 more players gets the Mark of Frost Debuff), she will do “Detonate”.
If you have the debuff. make sure that you are standing on the right side of the platform (star).
Beware of the pools that creates underneath marked players.
Move back to raid after detonation.
Animate: Mark of Frost (Water Elemental adds)
The boss summons Water elemental adds from the pools, called Icy Enchantments.
The ability they have differs between difficulties:
Normal mode: They shoot Burst of Ice that does damage to entire raid and melee attacks.
Heroic mode: They teleport to a random player and casts Frozen Tempest that increase the players vulnerability by 100%. The add will also create a big circle on the ground that will turn into a frozen circle and push player outwards. When a player reach the edge of the circle they become trapped in an ice block. This does damage over time and stuns the player.
Tactic Animate Mark of Frost (Water Elemental adds)
Normal mode
Tank the adds fast and pile the up for AoE damage.
AoE the adds down fast.
If you have add on you that is not taunted by tanks, move to tanks to make it easier for them to tank all the adds.
Beware of raid damage.
Heroic mode
Spread out when adds spawn from the pools. Tank picks up the adds fast. Move away before the circle turns into ice. Avoid the edge if you are trapped in the circle. Nuke the ice block if player gets trapped. AoE nuke all the adds fast.
This phase is the fire phase and boss will put a debuff on several players, called Searing Brand.
Move back to your positions again after the frost elementals are dead, and be ready for fire phase.
If frost adds are still alive during fire phase, then move back to positions anyway, and tanks will tank the adds on the same place they tanked boss in phase 1.
Searing Brand, Replicate and Detonate
Boss will put a debuff on random players.
After some seconds, the boss will charge targeted players. A red line between the boss and debuffed players will show the path the boss will charge.
If any players are in the path of the charge, that player will take fire damage debyff that stacks and will also get a knockback.
Replicate Searing Brand: The boss summons images of herself and together with them she will target more players with Searing Brand.
Detonate Searing Brand: The boss detonates all players that have the Searing Brand debuff and the explosion cause a Pool of Fire on the ground. The pool does fire damage every second.
Tactics: Searing Brand, Replicate and Detonate
Tank boss on top left side (cross). Stand on the left side of the marker.
Behind boss
Ranged players (dps and heal)
Stacks on Bottom side (Diamond).
Players with debuff
Debuff players move to the right side (star) and stand at least 10 yards away from each other.
If the same player is targeted again by images, move even more to the right side of diamond, further away from raid.
There is a red line between marked player and boss/images that makes it easier to see the path to avoid. Make sure that you are not standing in the red line.
After boss has done replicate, she will do “Detonate”.
If you have the debuff. make sure that you are standing on the right side of the platform (star).
Beware of the pools that creates underneath marked players.
Move back to raid after detonation.
If the same player is targeted again by images, move even more to the right side of diamond, further away from raid.
There is a red line between marked player and boss/images that makes it easier to see the path to avoid. Make sure that you are not standing in the red line.
Animate: Searing Brand (Fire Elemental adds)
The boss summons Fire elemental adds from the pools, called Fiery Enchantments.
These adds doesn’t move. They will stand where they spawn.
The ability they have differs between difficulty.
Normal mode: They shoot Burst of Flame that does damage to entire raid and melee attacks.
Heoric/Mythic mode: Shoot Pyroblast on random player that does high (deadly) damage and can be interrupted. If any player is within 8 yards, the adds will increase their casting speed by 100% and damage by 200%.
Tactic: Animate: Searing Brand (Fire Elemental adds)
Normal mode
Since the adds can’t be stacked together, every dps, and tanks will single target nuke one add at a time.
Healers beware of raid healing.
Heroic mode
Every dps will single target nuke one add at a time.
Melee Interrupts that add.
Ranged needs to interrupt the other fire adds as much as possible while killing the main target
Healers beware of raid healing.
This phase is the Arcane phase and boss will put an Arcane Orb on a players location.
Arcane Orb, Replicate and Detonate
Boss summons Arcane Orbs around random enemies (mostly ranged players).
The Orbs do pulsating arcane damage to players within 8 yards.
Replicate: After some time, the boss will summon more Arcane Orbs on random players.
Detonate: Each Arcane Orb will shoot out orbs to the air and land on random locations and bombard the area around the orbs. There are markings on the ground that shows where they will land.
This does loads of damage and the further away you are from these orbs that lands, the less damage you take.
When the orbs land they will also develop an Arcane Fog. Standing in this fog silence you and does arcane damage every second.
Tactic: Arcane Orb, Replicate and Detonate
Tank boss on upper left side (cross)
Move left (with tanks and boss) when Arcane Orbs spawns near you or when ranged are coming closer to you.
Stand spread from each other around boss (not in front).
Move left (with tanks and boss) when Arcane Orbs spawns near you or when ranged are coming closer to you.
Spread out at least 8 yards, on right side off boss (star).
When Orbs hit ranged, keep standing spread.
Move closer to boss (start with bottom side (diamond) when there are too many Orbs on star area.
Tanks will move the boss left when you are coming closer.
When boss does Detonate
Entire raid moves away along the left side.
The Orbs and bombardments will be on your right side away from you and you will not take damage.
Animate: Arcane adds (Arcane Elemental adds)
The boss summons Arcane elemental adds from the Arcane Fog.
These adds doesn’t move. They will stand where they spawn.
The ability they have differs between difficulty.
Normal mode: Each add will periodically do Arcane damage to entire raid.
Heroic mode: Each add will start casting Armageddon. This cast is a 30 second cast time. Once casted, it will do loads of damage to the entire raid and knocks them back.
If an add cast Armageddon successfully, it will die as well.
Tactic: Animate: Arcane adds (Arcane Elemental adds)
Use dps cooldowns
Nuke them one by one
When to use Bloodlust/Heroism/Timewarp
Normal: Either when fire adds or when Arcane adds spawns.
Use it when Fire adds spawns if the interrupts are not working good on Pyroblast.
Use it when Arcane adds spawns if the dps isn’t enough to kill most of them before Armageddon releases.
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