Where are the Profession Trainers in Shadowlands

Oribos is divided in 2 main floors

  • Ring of Fates
  • Ring of Transference

All professions are located on the same area on Ring of Fates floor.

The area is called Hall of Shapes.

  1. Engineering Trainer – Machinist Au´gur
  2. Jewelcrafting Trainer – Appraiser Au´vesk
  3. Alchemy Trainer – Elixirist Au´pyr
    Herbalism Trainer – Selector Au´mar
  4. Inscription Trainer – Scribe Au´tehshi
  5. Blacksmith Trainer – Smith Au´berk
    Mining Trainer – Excavationist Au´fer
  6. Tailoring Trainer – Stitcher Au´phes
  7. Leatherworking Trainer – Tanner Au´qil
  8. Enchanting Trainer – Imbuer Au´vresh
  9. Cooking Trainer – Chef Au´krut
    Fishing Trainer – Retriever Au´prin
16 Jul 2020