What are the mounts and pets in 10.1.7 Dreamsurge


Mounts and Pets

Tied to the Dreamsurge event, there are two mounts and two pets. 


The two pets are called 

- Cheddar

- Crimson Swoglet

These pets cost 250 Dreamsurge Coalescence each and are sold by the 402 Veteran Gear vendor which you will find on the Dreamsurge icon on the map where the Dreamsurge event takes place. 


The two mounts are called:

  • Renewed Magmammoth
  • We don´t know yet

The Renewed Magmammoth is obtained by finding 20 Charred Elemental Remains. You can get Charred Elemental Remains from the boss in the Major Waking Dream event and also from the elite mob in Minor Waking Dream portals. Both the boss and the elite will drop 1-3 Charred Elemental Remains. 

Duskwing Ohuna

This mount is bought from the 402 Veteran Gear vendor which you will find on the Dreamsurge icon on the map where the Dreamsurge event takes place. The mount costs 1000 Dreamsurge Coalescence. 


5 Aug 2023