Turn in Fish for Iskaara Tuskarr Reputation


  • With the increase in fishing activity in the Dragon Isles, the Tuskarr at the watering holes are now looking for 20 fish (was 10) to restock their best fishing holes. They will be granting the following rewards:
    • 200 Iskaara Tuskarr reputation for the first turn-in of Islefin Dorado.
    • 100 Iskaara Tuskarr reputation for the first turn-in of each type of common fish.
    • 5 Iskaara Tuskarr reputation for subsequent turn-ins of all fish.
  • The rare summoned lunkers are already immune to death grip, but the Elite lunkers are not which can make them trivial to defeat. The Elite lunkers (the ones summoned at fishing holes with Ominous Conchs) are now immune to Death Grip.
10 Dec 2022