The World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary Event is a celebration filled with opportunities to transform into some of the most iconic characters from the Warcraft universe. This guide focuses on these exciting transformations, detailing how you can experience the grandeur of these legendary figures firsthand.
The event takes place at the entrance of the Caverns of Time, where you’ll find replicas of legendary weapons. Clicking on these replicas allows you to assume the appearance of famous characters, complete with their unique models and even their voice lines.
1. Sir Denathrius Transformation
Weapon: Replica of Remornia
Location: Typically found in specific areas around the main event zone. /way 64.54, 51.66 Replica Remornia
Details: Transform into Sir Denathrius and have access to his famous lines, bringing the powerful presence of this Shadowlands character to life.
2. Anduin Transformation
Weapon: Replica of Shalamayne
Location: /way 62.15. 49.56 Replica Shalamayne or way 63.38, 48.10 Replica Shalamayne
Details: Become Anduin, the Lightbringer, showcasing his valorous and classic demeanor.
3. Jaina Proudmoore Transformation
Weapon: Replica of Antonidas’ Staff
Location: /way 61.67, 51.71 Replica Staff of Antonidas or /way 64.17, 51.21 Replica Staff of Antonidas
Details: Transform into the powerful mage Jaina, allowing you to channel her iconic presence and magical prowess.
4. Thrall Transformation
Weapon: Replica of Doomhammer
Location: /way 62.24, 49.29 Replica Doomhammer or /way 64.12, 5105 Replica Doomhammer
Details: Assume the role of Thrall, with his updated model, showcasing the strength and leadership of one of Azeroth’s greatest shamans.
5. Bolvar Fordragon Transformation
Weapon: Replica of Helm of Domination
Location: /way 63.54, 48.61 Replica Helm of Domination
Details: While you might expect the Lich King, this transformation features Bolvar Fordragon, presenting a unique take on the helm’s legacy.
6. Alexstrasza Transformation
Weapon: Replica of Alexstrasza’s Staff
Location: /way 63.00, 51.71 Alexstrasza´s Replica or /way 61.18, 50.93 Alexstrasza´s Replica
or /way 61.98, 50.00 -
Details: Transform
into the Dragon Queen Alexstrasza, complete with her intricate armor and animations. Use her voice lines, including the humorous "Do you think I have big mom energy?"
7. Sylvanas Windrunner Transformation
Weapon: Bow of Sylvanas (Thas'dorah)
Location: /way 62.20, 51.73 Replica Thas'dorah /way 63.33, 48.20 Replica Thas'dorah
Details: Become the Banshee Queen, Sylvanas. Although previously available, this transformation offers fans a chance to embody her once more.
8. Theotar Character Transformation
Weapon: Specific Venthyr-themed item “Tea cup”
Location: /way 60.91, 50.69 Tea Cup
Details: Transform into Theotar, the iconic Venthyr character in Shadowlands.
9. Varok Saurfang Character Transformation
Weapon: Gorehowl
Location: /way 61.31, 50.90 Gorehowl or /way 62.29, 50.90 Gorehowl
Details: Transform into Saurfang, the iconic Horde character.
10. Tyrande Whisperwind Character Transformdation
Weapon: Sunfury
Location: /way 62.78, 51.77 Sunfury or /way 63.04, 49.12 Sunfury
Details: Transform into Tyrande.
11. Magni Character Transformdation
Weapon: Fearbreaker
Location: /way 63.49, 48.18 Fearbreaker or /way 62.08, 51.63 Fearbreaker (this one is above the tent)
Details: Transform into Magni.
Duration and Cooldowns
Each transformation lasts for 10 minutes. Be mindful that using certain abilities or leaving the area can cancel the transformation.
When a Replica is active, it will have a 10 minutes cooldown until it spawns again after it is looted.
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