Hellfire Citadel Raid finder and Mythic this week

Today (US) and tomorrow (EU) we will be able to try Hellfire Citadel in Mythic difficulty. We can also enter the first wing of Raid Finder which includes Hellfire Assault, Iron Reaver and Kormrok.

Check out the schedule for coming raids:

July 14 (US) 15 (EU)
Raid Finder Wing 2 opens, Bosses: Hellfire High Council, Kilrogg, Gorefiend

July 28 (US) 29 (EU)
Raid Finder Wing 3 opens, Bosses: Shadow Lord Iskar, Socrethar the Eternal, Tyrant Velhari

August 11 (US) 12 (EU)
Raid Finder Wing 4 opens, Bosses: Fel Lord Zakuun, Xulhorac, Mannoroth

August 25 (US) 26 (EU)
Raid Finder Wing 5 opens.
Bosses: Archimonde


30 Jun 2015