- New Passive: Improved Reincarnation – Reincarnation now revives you with an additional 20% health.
- All Shaman can now use the following abilities:
- New Ability: Flametongue Weapon – Imbue your weapon with the element of Fire for 1 hour, causing each of your attacks to deal additional Fire damage.
- Chain Heal – Heals the friendly target, then jumps to heal the 2 most injured nearby allies (3 for Restoration). Healing is reduced by 30% with each jump.
- Healing Stream Totem – Summons a totem at your feet for 15 seconds that heals an injured party or raid member within 40 yards for every 2 seconds.
- Lightning Shield – Surround yourself with a shield of lightning for 30 minutes. Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer Nature damage. Only one Elemental Shield can be active on the Shaman at a time.
- Chain Lightning – Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets.
- Flame Shock – Sears the target with fire, causing Fire damage and then additional Fire damage over 18 seconds.
- Frost Shock – Chills the target with frost, causing Frost damage and reducing the target's movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds.
- PvP Talent changes:
- Skyfury Totem, Grounding Totem, and Counterstrike Totem now have 50 health (was 5). Any damage taken automatically kills the totem.
- New Ability: Spiritwalker's Grace – Calls upon the guidance of the spirits for 15 seconds, permitting movement while casting Shaman spells. Castable while casting.
- Flame Shock now has an 18 second duration (was 24 seconds).
- Lightning Shield: Generates 5 Maelstrom for the Shaman when attacked.
- Lava Surge proc chance reduced to 10% (was 15%).
- Ancestral Guidance (Talent) no longer has a global cooldown.
- The following Talents have been adjusted:
- New Talent: Echoing Shock (replaces Call the Thunder) – Shock the target for Elemental damage and create an ancestral echo, causing your next direct damage or healing spell to be cast a second time 1 second later for free.
- New Talent: Static Discharge – Discharge excess energy from your Lightning Shield, dealing Nature damage to an enemy within 40 every 0.5 second for 3 seconds. Targets with your Flame Shock on them are preferred.
- Elemental Blast now increases your Critical Strike, Haste or Mastery by 3% instead of stat ratings and generates 30 Maelstrom. Elemental Blast Overload generates 15 Maelstrom.
- Totem Mastery has been removed.
- Ascendance now fires a Lava Burst at all of your Flame Shock targets, and refreshes their Flame Shock durations to up to 18 seconds upon activation.
- Primal Elementalist Primal Fire Elemental's Meteor now capped at 8 targets.
- Primal Elementalist Primal Storm Elemental's Eye of the Storm now capped at 6 targets per pulse.
- Maelstrom resource and Maelstrom bar have been removed.
- New Ability: Windfury Weapon (replaces Windfury passive) – Imbue your main-hand weapon with the element of Wind for 30 minutes. Each main-hand attack has a 25% chance to trigger two extra attacks, dealing Physical damage each.
- New Ability: Windfury Totem – Summons a Windfury Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 2 minutes. Party members within 30 yards have a 10% chance when they auto-attack to swing an extra time.
- Maelstrom Weapon has been redesigned – When you deal damage with a melee weapon, you have a chance to gain Maelstrom Weapon, stacking up to 10 times. Each stack of Maelstrom Weapon reduces the cast time of your next damage or healing spell by 20% and increase the damage or healing of your next spell by 20%. A maximum of 5 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon can be consumed at a time.
- Feral Spirit now generates one stack of Maelstrom Weapon immediately, and one stack every 3 seconds for 15 seconds.
- Lightning Shield now has an additional effect – When Lightning Shield deals damage, you have a 50% chance to generate a stack of Maelstrom Weapon.
- Chain Lightning has an additional effect – If Chain Lightning hits more than 1 target, each target hit by your Chain Lightning increases the damage of your next Crash Lightning by 20%.
- Stormbringer no longer causes your next Stormstrike to trigger no cooldown, but will still have a 5% chance to reset the remaining cooldown of Stormstrike.
- Lava Lash damage reduced by 50%, now has a 12 second cooldown, and has an additional effect: Damage is increased by 100% if your offhand weapon is imbued with Flametongue Weapon.
- Frostbrand has been replaced with Frost Shock.
- Frost Shock shares a cooldown with Flame Shock.
- Frost Shock and Flame Shock now have their cooldowns shortened by Haste.
- Flametongue has been replaced with Flametongue Weapon.
- Rockbiter has been removed.
- Crash Lightning now deals reduced damage against additional targets.
- The following Talents have been adjusted:
- New Talent: Lashing Flames (replaces Boulderfist) – Lava Lash now increases the damage of Flame Shock on its target by 100% for 12 seconds.
- New Talent: Stormflurry (replaces Landslide) – Stormstrike has a 25% chance to strike the target a second time for 40% of normal damage.
- New Talent: Ice Strike (replaces Totem Mastery) – Strike your target for Frost damage, snaring them by 50% for 6 seconds. Ice Strike will also reset the cooldown of your Flame and Frost Shock spells.
- New Talent: Elemental Assault (Passive) (replaces Overcharge) – Stormstrike damage is increased by 15%, and Stormstrike now generates 1 stack of Maelstrom Weapon.
- New Talent: Fire Nova (replaces Searing Assault) – Erupt a burst of fiery damage from all targets affected by your Flame Shock, dealing Fire damage to up to 6 targets within 8 yards of your Flame Shock targets.
- New Talent: Stormkeeper (replaces Fury of Air) – Charge yourself with lightning, causing your next 2 Lightning Bolts or Chain Lightnings to deal 150% more damage and be instant cast.
- Hot Hand now causes melee auto-attacks with Flametongue Weapon active to have a 5% chance to reduce the cooldown of Lava Lash by 75% and increase the damage of Lava Lash by 100% for 8 seconds.
- Elemental Blast now increases your Critical Strike, Haste or Mastery by 3% instead of stat ratings.
- Forceful Winds Windfury bonus damage is now 50% (was 80%).
- Hailstorm has been redesigned – Each stack of Maelstrom Weapon consumed increases the damage of your next Frost Shock by 35%, and causes your next Frost Shock to hit 1 additional target per Maelstrom Weapon stack consumed.
- Sundering no longer has a Maelstrom cost and now has a 6% mana cost.
- Ascendance now causes you to explode with Nature damage upon activation, dealing damage to all enemies within 8 yards.
- New Ability: Water Shield – The caster is surrounded by globes of water, granting 50 mana per 5 seconds. When a melee attack hits the caster, the caster regains 2% of their mana. This effect can only occur once every few seconds. Only one of your Elemental Shields can be active on you at once.
- New Ability: Mana Tide Totem – Summons a Mana Tide Totem at the feet of the caster for 8 seconds, granting 100% increased mana regeneration to party and raid members within 10 yards.
- Earth Shield is no longer a Talent and is learned by all Restoration Shaman at level 22.
- Riptide duration is now 18 seconds (was 15 seconds).
- Flame Shock now has an 18 second duration (was 21 seconds).
- Lava Surge proc chance reduced to 10% (was 15%).
- The following Talents have been adjusted:
- New Talent: Surge of Earth (replaces Earth Shield) – Consume up to 3 charges of Earth Shield to heal up to 3 allies near your Earth Shield target per charge consumed.
- Torrent now increases the initial heal from Riptide by 20% (was 30%).
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