New Raid content Blackrock Foundry and World Boss coming out!

In February we can play the next content. Not only, a new world boss will also enter the Spires of Arak. Do you feel ready? It unlocks on 3rd Feb for US and 4th Feb for EU. Check out the schedule below to see when all the wings will be unlocked in Raid Finder and when you will be able to do mythic.

February 3 (US), 4 (EU), 2015:

- Blackrock Foundry opens with Normal and Heroic difficulties accessible.
-World Boss  Rukhmar will become available in Spires of Arak

February 10 (US), 11 (EU), 2015:

- Mythic difficulty becomes available.

February 17 (US) 18 (EU), 2015:

- Raid Finder Wing 1, Slagworks (Gruul, Oregorger, and The Blast Furnace) unlocks.

February 24 (US) 25 (EU, 2015:

- Raid Finder Wing 2 The Black Forge (Hans’gar and Franzok, Flamebender Ka’graz, and Kromog ) unlocks.

March 10 (US) 11 (EU), 2015:

- Raid Finder Wing 3 Iron Assembly (Beast Lord Darmac, Operator Thogar, and The Iron Maidens) unlocks.

March 24 (US) 25 (EU), 2015:

- Raid Finder Wing 4 Blackhand’s Crucible (Blackhand) unlocks.

Click here to get to my Boss Guide and Loot section


20 Jan 2015