Legendary quest ”Ogres of the Deep”

This quest is part of the Legendary Quest Line and will show up on your Shipyard mission table after completing the quest “To Farahlon”.


To complete this Naval mission you need:

  • 3 Ships (Epic preferably)
  • Defeated the Blockade naval mission south east of the map. This Naval mission is inside the Fog there and cannot be completed until defeating the Blockade.
  • The following encounters and types:
    - Swift (Blast Furnace equipment)
    - Submarine destroyer (Type)
    - First strike (Felsmoke Launcher equipment)
    - Chaotic Whirl pools (Gryoscopic Internal Stabilizer equipment)
    - Minelayer (Trained shark equipment)

Click here if you want to see my shipyard guides to understand what equipments are and how to obtain them.