Patch 8.3 will most likely hit live servers on January 14th in US and 15th in EU. That’s about 4 weeks from this guide being posted.
Here are top 6 preparations you can do to get ready and ahead of the curve when patch hits live.
In patch this is the first time for a long time that you have something that is needed and matters when a new patch comes out.
There are new essences coming out but there are still old essences that will still be really good.
Check out what essences your character should have on
Artifact Power – if not necklace lvl 70
Farm AP and get capped lvl 70 on your necklace level.
You get good AP from
- Emissary Quests (3000 AP from quest reward and 600 from completing any Emissary quest)
- Nazjatar World Quest (They have much higher AP reward then any WQ zone)
- Island Expedition (weekly quest)
- Island Expedition (Treasure Map)
- Raid bosses
Artifact Power – if necklace capped lvl 70
You are probably exalted or close to exalted on most reputation factions by now on that character.
Farm reputation on every reputation faction so you hit paragon rep (after exalted).
Make sure you have passed 10000 rep on each faction but do NOT complete the quest.
When 8.3 hits live, you can turn in all those quest and get 2500 AP from each chest.
just below 10 000 reputation on each faction but don’t pass that amount. You will pass that amount when 8.3 is live. Then you will get the chest reward with Artifact Power in it. On 8.2.5
Hardcore Mode
Farm reputation on every reputation faction so you hit paragon rep (after exalted). Make sure you have just below 20 000 (19990). When 8.3 hits live, turn in the first one, then complete one quest for each faction and turn in the quest again. You will get AP from 2 paragon chests.
You can also wait until the AP reward is increased and turn them in some week later.
Island Expedition
When it is 2 weeks left until patch hits live, complete island expedition weekly so you get the treasure chest. Use it but do not send them on mission until 1-2 days before patch comes out.
When it is one week left until patch hits live, complete island expedition weekly so you get the treasure chest. Use it directly after you completed the first one.
When patch 8.3 hits live, complete island expedition weekly so you get the treasure chest. Use it directly after you completed the second one.
Now you will have a total of 3 treasure map rewards with loads of Artifact Power on the first week of 8.3
The material for crafting in patch 8.3 will be the same as it is now. No new material will come out.
The only difference will be that you need something to be able to actually craft the higher ilvl gear, which you get from mobs in Assaults and scenarios and also raids. But the crafting materials are the same.
Farm as much crafting material as you can so you can craft what you want in 8.3
Also, Oon patch 8.3, you can craft loads of 400 ilvl gear on the first day, based on your profession.
Head directly to your trainer and get learn them.
Augment Runes
There will be a new vendor in 8.3 that sells augment rune item buff with some minutes cooldown. You must have higher reputation for the new faction in order to but it. This means that augment runes will most likely cost less later on. If you don’t need them, sell them already now.
Mythic plus
Season 4 comes out some weeks after patch 8.3 hits live.
The reward will scale up to +15 key instead of +10 key.
Meaning, the highest ilvl gear you can get is from a +15 key.
The +15 ilvl reward will be 465 ilvl from the chest in the end of the dungeon.
The +15 ilvl reward will be 475 ilvl from the weekly chest at.
You have some weeks now to get higher and higher key before season 4 comes live in 8.3.
Complete as high as you possibly can, because the key will be much lower that just one level down live it is now, due to the 15 cap instead of 10.
If you want to have a +15 from the chest in Season 4, then you probably need to complete a +19 the week before.
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