Genesis Motes drops from almoust every creature in Zereth Mortis.
You get between 1-3 Genesis Motes depending on creature.
In general, the longer it takes to kill, the more Genesis Motes it will drop.
There is a location called Genesis Field. This is the best location.
These adds have a good chunk of genesis motes.
But dont just run around and kill. This is how you do it:
1) Pick a location that has a portal.
2) Also make sure there are 2 creatures coming out of it, not one.
3) Kill the Frothliong Gorgers, they are the bigger ones.
4) As soon as you kill one, a new one will spawn from the portal.
Before nerf, these creatures dropped 5-6 motes each. After nerf they drop 1-3 motes each.
The best portal to stand on and farm these creatures is 42.08, 72.70 near the ramp.
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