This week of changes after christmas holidays also brought some raid nerfs and fixes.
Thunderbolt (Heroic difficulty)
This ability occrs when the add spawns.
Before the change, this ability caused nature dmg every 2 sec and each strike caused players to take 50% increased dmg from this ability for 1.2 min and stacks.
This dmg is now reduced by 33% on Heroic difficulty.
Thunder Callers (Heroic difficulty)
This is one of the adds that spawns.
The health is reduced on on lower group sizes on Heroic difficulty.
This is when boss pulls all players to her and at the same time does 14,419 Nature dmg every 1 sec for 10 sec on all players. If a player is pulled in, they are knocked upwards.
The dmg is reduced on lower group sizes on Heroic, Normal and Raid Finder difficulties.
Volatile Infuser
This is one of the adds that spawns.
This add casts Unstable Gusts periodically which does 96,130 Nature dmg to players whithin 5 yards of the impact location.
This add will NOT cast Volatile Gusts anymore on Heroic, Normal and Raid Finder.
Zephyr Slam
This is the high dmg and knockback ability the boss does on tank.
The distance of knockback and damage is reduced by 40% on Heroic, Normal and Raid Finder.
During intermission when adds spawns, each add has a "Presence ability".
Fire elemental Presence ability is called Blistering Presence that does fire dmg every 1 sec and stacks.
Water elemental Presence ability is called Chilling Presence that does frost dmg every 1 sec and stacks.
Earth elemental Presence ability is called Shattering Presence that does Nature dmg every 1 sec and stacks.
Storm elemental Presence ability is called Thundering Presence that does Nature dmg every 1 sec and stacks.
All these abilities now respect Avoidance.
Because Kurg´s Dominance abilities respects Avoidance.
Dathea casts Conductive mark that is the debuff with the circle under the players that does lightning dmg. To remove this you have to run to a pillar.
Conductive Mark has some harsh overlaps with other spells.
These casts are getting pushed back by 2-3 seconds depending on difficulty
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