Here are the update notes to Beta this week. Additional class tuning will be hotfixed throughout the week for raid testing on Friday.
- Unholy
- Fixed an issue with Magus of the Dead, Army of the Dead, and Gargoyle’s damage not scaling with Mastery: Dreadblade.
- Morbidity now affects ranged caster summons (ex: Army of the Dead, Magus of the Dead) in addition to caster pets (ex: Risen Ghoul).
- Unholy
- General
- Immolation Aura damage increased by 8%.
- Class Tree
- Eye Beam damage reduced by 8%.
- The Hunt damage reduced by 10%.
- Illidari Knowledge damage reduction increased to 3/6% (was 2/4%).
- Will of the Illidari - Max Health bonus increased to 3/6% (was 2/4%).
- Havoc
- Chaos Strike/Annihilation damage reduced by 10%.
- Blade Dance/Death Sweep damage increased by 18%.
- Immolation Aura (Rank upgrade) duration bonus reduced to 4 seconds (was 6 seconds).
- First Blood damage bonus value reduced to 85% of base (was 135%).
- Unbound Chaos damage bonus reduced to 200/400% (was 250/500%).
- Isolated Prey - Eye Beam damage bonus reduced to 25% (was 30%).
- Inner Demon damage reduced by 15%.
- Elysian Decree damage reduced by 10%.
- Vengeance
- Elysian Decree no longer deals 10% reduced damage when specced into Vengeance.
- Focused Cleave damage bonus reduced to 30% (was 40%).
- Fel Flame Fortification damage reduction increased to 10% (was 6%).
- Revel in Pain - Maximum absorb value increased by 50%.
- Cycle of Binding – Cooldown Reduction per applied Sigil increased to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
- General
- Class Tree
- Fixed an issue where Killer Instinct was not affecting melee damage or Guardian bleed damage.
- Balance
- Astral spells are now affected by both Eclipses while active.
- Denizen of the Dream is now affected by Eclipses and Mastery.
- Denizen of the Dream now scales with Spell Power.
- Goldrinn’s Fang is now affected by Eclipses and Mastery.
- Goldrinn’s Fang is now affected by Moonkin Form.
- Syzygy has been renamed to Orbital Strike.
- Wild Mushroom and Orbital Strike are now affected by Balance of All Things.
- Astral Smolder, Fungal Growth, and Lunar Shrapnel can no longer critically strike.
- Astral Smolder, Fungal Growth, and Lunar Shrapnel no longer benefit twice from player stats.
- Fixed an issue where Wild Mushroom damage was not being modified by talents.
- Mastery: Astral Invocation’s damage increase has been reduced by 45%.
- Starfall damage has been reduced by 35%.
- Developer note: Balance Druids will see that several other spells have been reduced in power on the beta. We’re still working on these changes, so expect a few to be reverted over the course of the week. Thank you for your patience!
- Feral
- Moved Lunar Inspiration to the left side of the tree.
- Moved Infected Wounds to the center of the tree, below Berserk.
- Developers’ Note: Lunar Inspiration and Infected Wounds are talents that are valuable to a broad variety of Feral Druid builds, but their previous positions were behind talents with more niche benefits. Their new positions should make them more accessible to play with different builds.
- Restoration
- Cenarius’ Guidance now grants Clearcasting every 5 seconds during Incarnation: Tree of Life (was 6 seconds). Lifebloom blooms now reduce the cooldown of Incarnation: Tree of Life by 2 sec (was 1.5 seconds).
- Class Tree
- General
- Deep Breath and Dream Flight now remove all roots when activated.
- Devastation
- Snapfire duration increased to 15 seconds (was 10 seconds).
- Preservation
- Dream Breath has been redesigned to match Fire Breath’s redesign – Healing is now the same at all empower ranks.
- Rank 1: Applies a 16 second duration heal over time that heals 32% spell power every 2 seconds, and instantly heals for 64% spell power.
- Rank 2: Applies a 12 second duration heal over time and instantly heals for 112% spell power.
- Rank 3: Applies a 8 second duration heal over time and instantly heals for 176% spell power.
- Rank 4: Applies a 4 second duration heal over time and instantly heals for 240% spell power.
- Cooldown decreased to 30 seconds (was 35 seconds).
- Renewing Breath increases overall healing of Dream Breath by 30% (was: Dream Breath applies a heal over time at 30% value).
- Dream Breath heal over time snapshots Call of Ysera and healing increased by 20%.
- Temporal Anomaly no longer has a delay before slowing down when reaching an ally.
- Emerald Communion heals immediately when pressed.
- Lifebind replicates healing to all Lifebound partners when the Evoker receives healing.
- Dream Breath has been redesigned to match Fire Breath’s redesign – Healing is now the same at all empower ranks.
- General
- Class Tree
- Arctic Bola’s damage and chance to activate have both been doubled.
- Beast Mastery
- Beast Cleave will no longer be improperly activated by Kill Command or Stomp damage.
- Dire Frenzy talent damage bonus increased to 30/60% for ranks 1 and 2.
- Dire Beast damage increased by 50%.
- Call of the Wild has received several bug fixes:
- Wild Instincts should no longer incorrectly grant charges of Barbed Shot while Call of the Wild is no longer active.
- Bloody Frenzy and Wild Instincts should no longer give their effects without knowing the appropriate talent.
- When multiple pets are summoned from Call of the Wild, it should no longer be possible to get multiple stacks of Predator’s Thirst, Endurance Training, or Pathfinding.
- Wild Instincts now properly checks for Focus to be spent before causing a Barbed Shot reset.
- Call of the Wild should properly be reset upon encounter end.
- Brutal Companion has received several bug fixes:
- Brutal Companion longer causes your pets to consume Focus when doing their extra pet special attack when your pet is above 50 Focus.
- Brutal Companion damage bonus lowered to 50% (was 100%).
- Brutal Companion now properly works with pets that use Claw.
- Brutal Companion’s damage bonus no longer incorrectly applies to all special attacks from your active pet.
- Brutal Companion no longer causes the special attack to deal bonus damage if your pet is above 50 Focus.
- Developers’ notes: Pet focus management is not intended to be part of the Brutal Companion talent; it should provide some extra special attacks from your pet. If this interacts with the above-50-Focus threshold damage bonus, you might feel compelled to manually handle the casting of your pet’s ability to always get maximum damage benefit while at 3 stacks of Barbed Shot.
- Class Tree
- Fire
- Pyroblast damage reduced by 10%.
- Feel the Burn Mastery per stack reduced to 2/4% (was 3/6%).
- Tempered Flames Pyroblast cast time reduced by 30% (was 40%).
- Pyroblast critical strike chance reduced to 10% (was 15%).
- The duration of Combustion reduced by 50% (was 40%).
- Pyroclasm now increases damage of your next instant Pyroblast by 230% (was 240%).
- Master of Flame’s Ignite deals 18% more damage while combustion is not active (was 25%).
- Controlled Destruction now increases Pyroblast damage by 4% per rank (was 5%).
- Wildfire’s Ignite damage reduced to 3/6% (was 5/10%).
- Fire Blast now properly spreads Ignite to 4 targets.
- Fire Blast modified by Master of Flame with Combustion active now properly spreads Ignite to 8 targets.
- Fire
- Mistweaver
- Fixed an issue causing Overflowing Mist to be applied by Tear of the Morning’s area of effect Enveloping Mist healing.
- Zen Pulse damage increased by 20%.
- Echoing Reverberation effectiveness increased to 80% of Zen Pulse’s values (was 70%).
- Accumulating Mist effect increased to 25% per stack (was 20% per stack).
- Spinning Crane Kick damage reduced by 10% for Mistweaver.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Enveloping Mist and Renewing Mist from Mists of Life to cost mana.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Enveloping Mist and Renewing Mist from Mists of Life to trigger Gust of Mist.
- Fixed an issue that caused Secret Infusion to grant the Critical Strike buff instead of the Haste buff from Mists of Life.
- Fixed an issue that caused Mists of Life to consume Tea of Serenity’s Enveloping Mist buff despite buffing Renewing Mist.
- Windwalker
- Storm, Earth, and Fire spirits now correctly cast Strike of the Windlord.
- Resolved an issue that could prevent Storm, Earth, and Fire spirits from copying your abilities.
- Storm, Earth, and Fire now has 2 charges.
- Thunderfist damage reduced by 30%.
- Fury of Xuen now grants 10% Haste instead of a stat value.
- Xuen spawned by Fury of Xuen will now correctly deal Empowered Tiger Lightning damage.
- Mistweaver
- Holy
- Resplendent Light now has a 12 yard range (was 8 yards).
- Moment of Compassion now increases Flash of Light healing by 15%.
- Tyr’s Deliverance’s periodic healing increased by 20%. Heal effect icon now matches cast icon.
- Boundless Salvation’s Holy Light now extends Tyr’s Deliverance by 4 seconds (was 3 seconds). Flash of Light now extends Tyr’s Deliverance by 2 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).
- Boundless Salvation’s extension is now capped at 40 seconds.
- Holy
- Shadow
- Shadow Crash applies Vampiric Touch to 8 targets (was 4).
- Idol of N’Zoth no longer triggers from Devouring Plague damage.
- Damage dealt by Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch has a 30% chance to apply Echoing Void (was 20%).
- Echoing Void’s debuff can apply to up to 4 targets.
- Echoing Void deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
- Enemies that die with the Echoing Void trigger the remaining stacks immediately.
- Echoing Void damage reduced by 60%.
- Shadowy Apparitions can no longer be seen by allies in dungeons and raids (was raids only).
- Critical strikes with Devouring Plague, Mind Blast, and Void Bolt cause Shadowy Apparitions to deal 100% additional damage instead of spawning two Apparitions.
- Mind Sear now has a 50% chance per tick to create Shadowy Apparitions that floats towards all targets afflicted by your Vampiric Touch for Shadow damage.
- Idol of Yogg-Saron has been redesigned: Each time you spawn a set of Shadowy Apparitions, gain a stack of Idol of Yogg-Saron. At 25 stacks, you summon a Thing from Beyond that serves you for 20 seconds. The Thing from Beyond blasts enemies for Shadow damage and deals 30% of that damage to all enemies within 10 yards. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets.
- Thing From Beyond’s Void Spike damage reduced by 60%.
- Void Spike is now affected by Shadow Weaving.
- Void Spike’s cast time increased to 2 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).
- Shadow
- General
- Rupture damage increased by 35%.
- Ambush damage increased by 20%.
- Instant Poison damage increased by 13%.
- Wound Poison damage increased by 13%.
- Class Tree
- Shiv damage increased by 20%.
- Sepsis damage increased by 20%.
- Echoing Reprimand damage increased by 20%.
- Assassination
- Garrote damage increased by 35%.
- Envenom damage increased by 25%.
- Mutilate damage increased by 20%.
- Fan of Knives damage increased by 15%.
- Deadly Poison damage increased by 13%.
- Deathmark damage increased by 20%.
- Internal Bleeding damage increased by 20%.
- Serrated Bone Spike damage increased by 20%.
- Crimson Tempest damage increased by 15%.
- Amplifying Poison damage increased by 13%.
- Kingsbane damage growth per poison increased to 20% (was 15%).
- Indiscriminate Carnage cooldown reduced to 60 seconds (was 90 seconds).
- When Deathmark is applied, it now also duplicates existing eligible debuffs on the target
- Deathmark duration reduced to 16 seconds (was 20 seconds).
- Outlaw
- Dispatch damage reduced by 14%.
- Pistol Shot damage reduced by 5%.
- Roll the Bones:
- Broadside damage bonus reduced to 15% (was 20%).
- True Bearing cooldown reduction reduced to 0.5 seconds (was 1 second).
- Ruthless Precision crit bonus reduced to 15% (was 20%).
- Skull and Crossbones bonus Sinister Strike chance reduced to 25% (was 30%).
- Buried Treasure Energy regen increased to 5 per seconds (was 4 per second).
- Opportunity’s Bonus Sinister Strike chance increased to 35% (was 30%).
- Combat Potency Energy regeneration increased to 25% (was 20%).
- Fatal Flourish chance to generate Energy increased to 65% (was 60%).
- Summarily Dispatched max stacks reduced to 5 (was 7).
- Subtlety
- Eviscerate damage reduced by 4%.
- Relentless Strikes Energy restore reduced to 5 (was 6).
- Improved Shadow Techniques Energy generated reduced to 3 (was 4).
- Replicating Shadows damage bonus reduced to 20% (was 30%).
- Veiltouched damage bonus reduced to 5% (was 8%).
- Deeper Daggers damage bonus reduced to 8/16% (was 10%/20%).
- General
- Elemental
- Lightning Bolt (Elemental) damage increased by 17%.
- Elemental Blast (Elemental) damage increased by 20%. Increases Haste or Crit by 6% (was 3%), or Mastery by 11% (was 6%).
- Windspeaker’s Lava Resurgence’s Lava Burst damage increased by 10% (was 20%). Now also triggers from Earthquake.
- Earth Shock damage increased by 5%.
- When Lava Surge triggers from Heat Wave, the damage of your next Lava Burst is increased by 20%.
- Liquid Magma Totem damage increased by 125%.
- Enhancement
- Maelstrom Weapon trigger chance lowered to 16% (was 20%).
- Damage of all Maelstrom Weapon consuming abilities reduced by 10%.
- Focused Lightning (Conduit) values halved for all ranks.
- Stormstrike damage increased by 20%.
- Windstrike damage increased by 20%.
- Lava lash damage increased by 92%.
- Hot Hand rank 1 Lava Lash damage bonus lowered to 20% (was 50%). Rank 2 lowered to 40% (was 100%).
- Ice Strike damage increased by 20%.
- Sundering damage increased by 75%.
- Storm’s Wrath values increase changed to +150% (was +100%).
- Gathering Storms value increased to 25% (was 15%). Maximum stacks lowered to 6 (was 10).
- Fire Nova damage increased by 25%.
- Feral Spirit and Elemental Spirits buff effects changed to +20% (was +15%).
- Doom Winds active Windfury Weapon bonus damage lowered to 10% (was 25%).
- Doom Winds cooldown increased to 90 seconds (was 60 seconds).
- Forceful Winds bonus lowered to 40% per stack (was 45%).
- Elemental
- Demonology
- Dreadlash now increases the damage of Dreadbite by 10% (was 25%).
- Fel and Steel now increases the damage of Felstorm and Dreadbite by 10% (was 20%).
- Infernal Command now increases the damage of Wild Imps and Dreadstalkers by 5/10% (was 10/20%).
- Fel Sunder now increases the damage an enemy takes from you and your pets by 1%, up to 5% (was 2%, up to 10%).
- Demonic Tyrant’s Demonfire damage increased by 50%.
- Fixed an issue where the damage from the Pit Lord was not scaling correctly.
- Fixed an issue where Guillotine was dealing damage twice to enemies.
- Demonology
- Class Tree
- Blood and Thunder has been slightly redesigned – Thunder clap costs 10 more Rage and deals 10% increased damage. If you have Rend, Thunder Clap affects 5 nearby targets with Rend.
- Arms
- Auto attack damage reduced by 25% (was 10%.)
- In for the Kill now increases haste by 20% (was 25%) when enemy is under 35% health.
- Skullsplitter now generates 20 Rage (was 30).
- Skullsplitter damage reduced by 22%.
- Mortal Strike damage reduced by 3%.
- Execute damage reduced by 5%.
- Juggernaut’s maximum stacks reduced to 12 (was 15).
- Deep Wounds periodic damage reduced by 6%.
- Rend periodic damage reduced by 7%.
- Bloodsurge should again cause periodic damage triggers to generate Rage correctly.
- Bladestorm now generates 20 Rage.
- Exhilarating Blows now triggers correctly per cast of Cleave rather than per target hit.
- Fury
- Bloodthirst damage increased by 7%.
- Bloodcraze now increases critical strike chance of Bloodthirst by 15% per stack (was 10%).
- Bloodborne damage bonus granted increased to 20% (was 15%).
- Cruelty’s Annihilator damage increased during enrage by 10% (was 5%).
- Raging Blow Damage increased by 3% for each strike.
- Crushing Blow damage increased by 3% for each strike.
- Annihilator damage increased by 1.5%.
- Wrath and Fury’s Raging Blow Damage bonus granted increased to 15% (was 10%).
- Slaughtering Strikes Raging Blow now increases the damage of each strike of Rampage by 20% per stack (was 10%).
- Dancing Blades now also increases auto attack damage by 30%.
- Onslaught now triggers Enrage before damage is dealt.
- Titanic Rage now triggers Enrage before damage is dealt.
- Protection
- Unbreakable Will now lasts 4 seconds when triggered by Avatar.
- Unbreakable Will now correctly reduces damage taken for allies by 20% (was 25%).
- Bloodsurge should again cause periodic damage triggers to generate Rage correctly.
- Juggernaut now correctly links to the Protection version of Juggernaut rather than the Arms version and maximum stacks increased to 15.
- Battering Ram now also increases auto-attack damage by 20%.
- Violent Outburst’s Thunder Clap no longer triggers and invalidates Violent Outburst at 7 stacks.
- Class Tree
- Death Knight
- Unholy
- (2) Set Bonus: Damage gained by your ghoul increased to 25% (was 10%).
- (4) Set Bonus: Ghoul attacks have a chance to increase your damage and Haste by 8% (was 10%).
- (4) Set Bonus: Your primary ghoul attacks have a 8% chance to grant Ghoulish Infusion (was 15%). This chance is increased to 15% while your ghoul has Vile Infusion.
- Unholy
- Demon Hunter
- Vengeance
- (4) Set Bonus: Fixed an issue causing this effect to only apply to one target in the area of effect.
- Vengeance
- Druid
- Balance
- (4) Set Bonus: Fixed an issue preventing this bonus from applying to your next Starfall.
- Guardian
- (4) Set Bonus: Increased power of healing effect. It now heals for 2.5 times as much as before.
- Balance
- Paladin
- Holy
- (2) Set Bonus: Updated description to be correct if Radiant Decree is known.
- (4) Set Bonus: Added Word of the Glory to the list of spells affected in the description of the effect.
- Holy
- Rogue
- Assassination
- (2) Set Bonus: Envenom now increases weapon poison damage by 20% (was 10%).
- (4) Set Bonus: Septic Wounds now increases Bleed damage by 4% per stack (was 2%).
- Outlaw
- (2) Set Bonus: Fixed a bug that was not giving credit for spending 6 combo points.
- (2) Set Bonus: Dispatch increases the damage of Sinister Strike or Ambush by 8% per combo point spent (down from 20%).
- (4) Set Bonus: Half-cost uses of Pistol Shot increase Dispatch damage by 25% (down from 50%).
- Subtlety
- Fixed a bug causing the set to not work with Gloomblade as well as Backstab.
- (2) Set Bonus: Fixed a bug that was not giving credit for spending 6 combo points.
- An incorrect version of the Subtlety (4) Set Bonus was released. The correct bonus is “Backstab, Shadowstrike, and Shuriken Storm critical strikes increase the damage of Eviscerate and Rupture by 12% and the damage of Black Powder by 8% for 3 seconds.”
- (4) Set Bonus: Reduced damage bonus to Eviscerate and Rupture to 12% (was 15%) and duration of bonus to 3 seconds (was 6 seconds).
- Assassination
- Shaman
- Elemental
- (4) Set Bonus: Fixed an issue causing this bonus to give less than the intended amount of Mastery.
- Elemental
- Upgrade stones can now be applied to pets directly through the Pet Journal (was use upgrade stone on a summoned pet).
- Instanced PvP activities should now be rewarding strongboxes that contain a variety of consumables, profession reagents, and most importantly PvP recipes. You also get more Primal Chaos and a chance at Infusions at high ratings.
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