Covenant Abilities
Night Fae
Spirits within The Queen’s Conservatory are eager to return to life and will now automatically provide players with their reward without having to speak to them first.
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused players to die through Podtender (Dreamweaver) if the lethal blow had a large overkill.
The Ember Court
- Permanent RSVPs
- Guests who you have reached Best Friend status with now give you a permanent RSVP.
- The Permanent RSVP will allow all characters on your account to invite that guest to future Ember Courts without completing their RSVP quest again.
- Temel in Sinfall now sells a Bind on Account book at Exalted with the Ember Court. The book will teach your Dredger Butler how to handle the Cleanup and Restocking quests that follow the Ember Courts.
- One-time reputation items from Temel and Lady Ilinca will no longer appear once learned.
- Droman Aliothe’s RSVP no longer requires players to venture to Bastion and Maldraxxus for items.
Fixed an issue that allowed Service in Stone (General Draven) to be parried.
Fleshcraft has been redesigned — Form a shield of flesh and bone over 3 seconds (was 4 seconds) that absorbs damage equal to 40% of your maximum health for 2 minutes. While channeling, your damage taken is reduced by 20%. Passive effect: Moving near an enemy's corpse consumes their essence to reduce Fleshcraft's cooldown by 1 second.
The slime creatures within the Plaguefall dungeon will now grant their buffs when their corpses are consumed by Fleshcraft’s passive effect (was when Fleshcraft was used on their corpses).
Volatile Solvent (Plague Deviser Marileth) now triggers when Fleshcraft’s passive effect consumes a corpse’s essence (was when Fleshcraft is cast).
Resourceful Fleshcrafting (Bonesmith Heirmir) has been redesigned – When Fleshcraft’s passive effect consumes a corpse, the cooldown of Fleshcraft is reduced by an additional 1 second.
Covenant Class Abilities
All classes got minor or major changes in their covenant abilities. The main goal Blizzard has is to balance the covenant class abilities so that none of them sticks out too much compared to the others within a class. So basically, you will see maybe a nerf in the best covenant for your class/spec and upgrades on the covenants that are not good, or as good.
Death Knight changes in 9.0.5
Shackle the Unworthy (Kyrian) damage increased by 15% and damage reduction debuff increased to 8% (was 5%).
Death's Due (Night Fae) damage reduction debuff and Strength buff increased to 2% per stack (was 1%). Now stacks up to 4 times (was 8).
Demon Hunter changes 9.0.5
Elysian Decree (Kyrian) damage reduced by 10% for Vengeance Demon Hunters.
Fodder to the Flame (Necrolord) has been redesigned — Your damaging abilities have a chance to call forth a demon from the Theater of Pain for 25 seconds. Throw Glaive deals lethal damage to the demon, which explodes on death, dealing damage to nearby enemies and healing you for 30% of your maximum health. The explosion deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
The Hunt (Night Fae) damage decreased by 10% for Vengeance Demon Hunters.
Sinful Brand (Venthyr) damage decreased by 10% for Vengeance Demon Hunters.
Repeat Decree base damage is now 15% (was 25%).
Fel Defender now affects Fel Devastation for Vengeance Demon Hunters (was Fiery Brand).
Druid changes in 9.0.5
Adaptive Swarm (Necrolord) damage and healing increased by 25% and the effectiveness of periodic effects increased to 25% (was 20%). The effectiveness of periodic effects increased to 35% for Balance Druids.
Endless Thirst (Venthyr) now increases your critical strike chance by 0.8% per stack at Rank 1 (was 0.5%).
Hunter changes in 9.0.5
Death Chakram (Necrolord) damage increased by 15%.
Flayed Shot (Venthyr) duration increased to 18 seconds (was 14 seconds) and costs no Focus (was 10). Flayer’s Mark now also increases the damage of your next Kill Shot by 25%.
Mage changes in 9.0.5
Radiant Spark (Kyrian) damage increased by 20%.
Deathborne (Necrolord) duration increased to 25 seconds (was 20 seconds) and Spell Power buff increased to 15% (was 10%).
Mirrors of Torment (Venthyr)
Arcane: Now grants a stack of Clearcasting when a mirror is consumed (was mana).
Fire: Fire Blast cooldown reduction increased to 6 seconds (was 4 seconds).
Monk changes in 9.0.5
Fallen Order’s (Venthyr) fallen Tiger and Ox adepts have had their stats increased by 20%.
Paladin changes in 9.0.5
Vanquisher's Hammer (Necrolord) now generates 1 Holy Power when used.
The extra spells from Ringing Clarity (Kyrian) now have a longer delay between hits. Additionally, area-of-effect Judgment hits from Divine Toll are no longer reduced by 25% in PvP, and Judgment triggered from Ringing Clarity is reduced by 25% in PvP.
Priest changes in 9.0.5
Fae Guardians (Night Fae) Guardian Faerie now grants 20% damage reduction (was 10%), and Wrathful Faerie will now automatically be sent to the closest enemy target if Fae Guardians is used while an ally is targeted.
Fae Fermata (Night Fae) Fae Guardians now leave a 80% effective copy of their benefit (was 60%) and can no longer be stacked on top of a Faerie for double benefit.
Rogue changes in 9.0.5
Flagellation (Venthyr) no longer costs Energy (was 20 Energy), duration reduced to 12 seconds (was 20 seconds), Haste is now granted immediately, and no longer has a second activation. Flagellation’s initial damage increased by 270%, additional damage from spending combo points increased by 160%, and deals damage 1 time upon use (was 3).
Serrated Bone Spike (Necrolord) initial damage increased by 300% and now grants 1 combo point plus 1 per active bone spike after it strikes the target.
Lashing Scars (Venthyr) now causes 4 additional lashes (was 2). This will allow the Rogue to start at 5% Haste upon activation.
Shaman changes in 9.0.5
Vesper Totem (Kyrian) damage and healing increased by 25%.
Fae Transfusion (Night Fae) damage increased by 25%, the healing from damage conversion increased to 60% (was 40%) and the heal radius increased to 20 yards (was 12 yards).
Primordial Wave’s (Necrolord) Enhancement Lightning Bolt effect now deals 150% damage (was 100%).
Chain Harvest (Venthyr) the damage and healing increased by 15% for Elemental and Restoration Shaman.
Warlock changes in 9.0.5
Decimating Bolt (Necrolord) bonus damage from the target’s missing health increased to 100% (was 60%).
Impending Catastrophe (Venthyr) damage while moving towards its target has been increased by 10% and its explosion damage increased by 15%.
Warrior changes in 9.0.5
Conqueror's Banner (Necrolord) - redesigned — Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 400 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%. The cooldown is now 2 minutes (was 3 minutes), duration is now 15 seconds (was 20 seconds), and the Rage generation is now 4 Rage per second for Arms and Protection, and 6 Rage per second for Fury.
Veteran's Repute (Necrolord) no longer causes Conqueror's Banner to grant stacks of Glory.
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