Artifact Weapons let´s understand it

In Legion, there will be new types of weapons called Artifact Weapons. These weapons are not any type of weapon dropped from a murloc or Raid bosses. They are Hero weapons, and we are now the Heroes Azeroth turn their face to in this Legion war!

There are so many new things coming out together with the Artifact Weapons; Relics, Traits, class/spec specific weapons, models, coloring. But have no fear, I have made a summarized Guide that covers all this and will (hopefully) enlighten and prepare you for Legion Artifact Weapons!

Artifact Weapons - Full Guide

If you are interested in all the other awesome things coming out in Legion, then check beneath. Not all is updated yet, but sure will be asap.

Menu - Legion GUIDES

Introduction of Legion (LORE)

Major Characters involved

7.0 What has changed 

The Broken Isle Continent


Legion Class Guides (Specs, Artifacts Lore, weapon talent tree)

Artifacts Guides

Demon Hunter Guides

Class Order Halls


Dungeon Guides

Raid Guides

PvP Guides

Professions Guide

12 Nov 2015