8.3 STARTER GUIDE – Assaults and New Reputation Factions PART 1

A zone will be overcome by N’Zoth enemies in parts of the world that we must defeat, like invasion was in Legion.

These Assaults will be around the Titan Forges around the world

There are for now two zones on Azeroth (Vale of Eternal Blossom and Uldum) that are attacked and corrupted and these locations are called Assaults.

The main storyline will take you through both zones.

These two zones are attacked by various types of enemies each day, such as the Mantid, or the Black Empire, or Amathet or Warring Clans and more.

You will get main quests (yellow quests) and daily quests (blue quests) to complete.

You will get a main world quest on each zone.

You will face many different Rare enemies.

You will face events.

You will have access to Visions of N´zoth – A scenario in one of the two zones, which is a vision of what N´Zoth wants to happen. This is a mini scenario. The main one is Horrific Vision Scenario (check my guide here covering that). You will know which zone of Vale of Eternal Blossom and Uldum that has the Vision Scenario by checking the map. Look for the pillar with an eye.

How often can I enter visions

You can only enter the visions of N´Zoth once a day. 


Completing the Main Assault World Quest

  • Rewards between 500 or 1500 Reputation. Seems that it is based on which zone or who the enemy is.
  • Rewards a cache based on who the enemy is. This cache may contain
    - A Vessel of Horrific Vision (used to enter the main Vision Scenario – “Horrific Vision”).
    - 445 ilvl loot that can be corrupted.
  • Azerite Power
  • 10 000 Coalescing Visions
  • Corrupted Gear
    You get a quest the first time you get a corrupted item: “ Curious Corruption” which rewards Titanic Purification (permanently removes corruption effects on gear).

Completing World Quests/Events

  • Rewards 50 reputation

Completing a Daily quest Rewards

  • 75 Reputation for that zone you are in.
  • Coalescing Vision
  • War Resources

Killing Rare enemies Rewards

  • 50 rep the first time you kill it (was removed, maybe will come back again)
  • 400 ilvl Bind on Account gear.
  • Coalescing Vision

Looting Chests Rewards

  • Coalescing Visions
  • War Resources

Vision of N´Zoth Scenario

You get the quest outside the entrance. The quest reward is:

  • Breath of Everlasting Spirit (Combine 3 to create a Token for your essence which can be used on your HoA necklace)
  • 2000 Coalescing Visions
  • 20 Corrupted Momento


There are two new reputation factions

  • Uldum Accord – for the Uldum zone
  • Rajani – for the Vale of eternal blossom zone

Both reputation factions have their own reputation vendor.

Uldum Accord

Where is the reputation quartermaster vendor for Uldum Accord

Inside the Seat of Ramkahen.
The NPC is called Provisioner Qorra

What can I buy from the Uldum Accord Vendor


Void Tendril Pet Leash
A leash for small pets.
Costs: 1 Corrupted Memento




Toy - Void Tendril Pet Leash
A leash for small pets.
Costs: 20 Polished Pet Charm + 100 Corrupted Memento


Recipe: Contract: Uldum Accord
Costs: 1330 gold

Troop Requisition: Ramkahen Lancer
Add lancers to mission troops. Have a chance to reward corrupted mementos when completing missions.
Costs: 500 War Resources.

Pygmy Camel
Costs: 300 Polished Pet Charms


Uldum Accord Tabard
Costs: 338 gold

Wastewander Wkyterror
costs: 22800 gold

Rank 3 Essence
Costs: 50 Corrupted Memento

How to farm reputation with Uldum Accord

  • Daily quest – 75 reputation
  • World Quest/Event Quest – 50 reputation
  • Assault, which is based on who is attacking. 500 - 1500 reputation
  • World quest 50 reputation
  • High Explorer Dellorah quest line (Uldum Accord)
  • The Magni questline
  • Rare (was 50 rep the first time you kill it, got removed later on, maybe will come back)


Where is the quartermaster reputation vendor for Rajani

Located in the Silent Sanctuary in Vale of Eternal Blossom.
NPC: Zhang Khu

What can I buy from the Rajani Vendor


Rajani Warserpent
Costs: 1 Pristine Cloud Serpent Scale






Troop Requisition : Rajani Sparkcaller
Add this to mission troops to get a chance on Corrupted Mementos when they complete a mission
Costs: 500 War Resources

Recipe: Contract: Rajani
Costs: 1400 gold


Windfeather Quill
Costs: 300 Polished Pet Charms

Lightning-Forged Augment Rune
Increase Agility, Intellect and Strength by 60 for 1 hour. (1 min CD)
Costs: 50 000 gold

Rajani Tabard
Costs: 240 gold

Rank 3 Essence
Costs: 50 Corrupted Mementos

How to farm reputation with Rajani

  • Daily quest – 75 reputation
  • World Quest/Event Quest – 50 reputation
  • Assault, which is based on who is attacking. 500 - 1500 reputation
  • World quest 50 reputation
  • High Explorer Dellorah quest line (Uldum Accord)
  • The Magni questline
  • Rare (was 50 rep the first time you kill it, got removed later on, maybe will come back)


27 Nov 2019