World of Moudi making Boss Video Guides now as well

Yes, I have now crossed that line. I will of course continue with text and picture Guides. Especially since I´m using it in my Videos. If you have seen the videos you probably wonder why I don’t talk. Well, there are 2 reasons; 1) I´m a father of an 11 month old beautiful girl. Meaning, I will be interrupted a lot during my talks. I can´t ask my wife for “time off” for that since I have loads of times off when raiding twice a week, hitting the gym, cinema and occasionally going out. 2) Do you remember everything ppl say in guides? If you see pictures, combined with text and real life videos I think you will remember more. But that’s me.

I made 2 guides so far, one for Blast Furnace and one for Kromog. More will come of course. But I don’t have any plans to do all BRF bosses since some of the “early” bosses is much known now and the text/picture should be enough.

You can check out both guides here already. They are also posted on the actual boss guides pages - Warlords of Draenor tab then click raids.

Blast Furnace Boss Guide Video

Kromog Boss Guide Video

23 Mar 2015