Where to get Dreamsurge Coalescence

Dreamsurge Coalescence

This is now used as currency to buy 402 veteran gear and 2 pets and a mount from a Dreamsurge vendor.

 I´ve calculated that you will get around 120 Dreamsurge Coalescence per hour when farming it. If you want to farm it, then here are the different ways of gathering Dreamsurge Coalescence: 

  • 25 Dreamsurge Coalescence is looted from the boss on the Major event
  • 25 Dreamsurge Coalescence is looted from the elite on the Minor event
  • 10 Dreamsurge Coalescence is rewarded when completing a World Quest on the Dreamsurge event zone. 
  • 1-5 Dreamsurge Coalescence is looted from new Dreamsurge flowers called Dreaming Growth. The best way to find them is to look where there are normal treasures on the map, because there flowers are close to them. 
  • 1-5 Dreamsurge Coalescence looted when flying through Green clouds that are scattered in the air around in Dreamsurge event zone.  
  • 25 Dreamsurge Coalescence looted from Empowered Rares in the Dreamsurge event zone. 

5 Aug 2023