Love Is In The Air Have Started

Click here to get to "Love is in the Air 2016" 


Love and adoration are in the air in the major cities of Azeroth… and in celebration of the occasion, you’re invited to share candy, perfume, and gifts with guards, townsfolk, and other players for special rewards.


February 2 - 16.
Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, Shattrath, Dalaran, Thunder Bluff, Orgrimmar, Undercity.
  Currency: Love Token
Love tokens are the currency to purchase a mount, a pet, fun items and other special items. You can collect them by completing quests that are part of the event.

Defeat the evil Apothecary Hummel and his henchmen, thwart their evil schemes to take the world over, and then celebrate with your loved one(s) in lovely outfits!


Apothecary Hummel

Use the Dungeon Finder to participate in a daily encounter against Apothecary Hummel, granting a Heart-Shaped Box(which contains special holiday loot) as a daily reward. Of course, useful high-level loot will also drop when you vanquish Apothecary Hummel. The Apothecary has grown in power to take on max level heroes.



The Steamwheedle Cartel quests

The Steamwheedle Cartel suspects there's something shady about the goblin newcomers of the Crown Chemical Company. Investigators have been hired to get to the bottom of things – with your help.

Daily Quests

Complete special daily quests to obtain experience, money, and Love tokens to purchase holiday items.



Gifts and picnics

The season of love is the perfect occasion to perfume yourself and toss a lovely rose to someone to wear, after a romantic picnic dressed in a lovely dinner suit!

Event Outfits

Several lovely dresses and suits can be acquired with Love tokens, as well as Lovely Roses to pin in your hair (if you are a female character) or bite in your mouth (in you are a male character).


3 Feb 2015