On the weekly reset of 19th of May in US and 20th of May in EU and 21th of May in Asia, there will be major changes regarding the Echoes AND the corruption vendor.
Echoes of Nyalotha
All the sources of you get Echoes from will be multiplied by 5.
For example, a full run of Horrific vision that rewards 150 Echoes will now reward 750.
The same will be for the costs of buying stuff for Echoes.
Essences were 500 Echoes each, and now the cost is 2500.
Boosting your legendary cloak level
Each rank from 1-15 can now be achieved in a single Horrific Vision.
For example
- Rank 13 to 14 will now require 2 Torn Pages of “The Final Truth” , instead of 6.
- Rank 14 to 15 will now require 2 Torn Pages of “The Final Truth” , instead of 8.
BUT the changes after reaching rank 15 has not been changed.
You can also buy Vessel of Horrific Visions from Mother.
One Vessel costs 1750 Echoes of Nyalotha.
Corruption Vendor
MOTHER will sell different waves of corruption effects each week.
You will not have all corruption effects available directly.
MOTHER will change available corruption effects twice a week (probably Tue/Fri in US and Wed/Sat in EU).
This means that you also need to have a piece of uncorrupted gear to put the corruption effect on.
Only items that are cleansed after this weekly reset starts (19th US/ 20th EU) will be able to become corrupted again. All items cleansed before this reset will NOT.
Examples of costs from MOTHER
Item | Cost (Echoes of Ny’alotha) |
Vessel of Horrific Visions | 1750 |
Rank 3 Essence | 2500 |
Masterful I | 3000 |
Siphoner I | 4250 |
Twilight Devastation I | 6250 |
Siphoner II | 6300 |
Ineffable Truth II | 6750 |
Racing Pulse III | 7875 |
Echoing Void III | 12000 |
Twilight Devastation III | 15000 |
Vessel of Horrific Visions | 1750 |
Rank 3 Essence | 2500 |
Ineffeable Truth I | 3300 |
Honed Mind I | 4125 |
Strikethrough II | 4125 |
Masterful II | 4125 |
Expedient III | 5000 |
Twisted Appendage III | 13200 |
How to farm Echoes of Nyalotha and the new droprates
Activity |
Echoes of Ny´alotha |
Assault - Black Empire |
625 |
Assault - Aqir/Amathet/Mantid/Mogu |
375 |
Horrific Visions |
250 Kill main boss (Thrall/Alleira) 750 Full completion |
Emissary Quest |
250 |
Heroic Darkshore Warfront |
375 |
Raid LFR |
125 per wing completed |
PvP Random Battleground |
75-125 |
Mythic Dungeons End of Run chest |
15 per Keystone Level |
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