How to spawn Gluttonous Overgrowth rare - Zereth Mortis

Gluttonous Overgrowth is a rare in Zereth Mortis. 

Where is the rare Gluttonous Overgrowth

This rare is located on the southest part of Zereth Mortis, 53.07 93.05.

How to spawn Gluttonous Overgrowth

There are several roots called Bulging Root that you have to click on.

1) The first one is on the opposite side of the rare. Click on it and drag it to break it. 


2) The second one is located on the left side of the rare further down the path. Click on it and drag it to break it. 

3) The third one is on the opposite side of the second one. Click on it and drag it to break it. 

2) The fourth one is located on the right side of the rare further down the path. Click on it and drag it to break it. 

Once all roots are dragged, the boss comes out and you can attack it. 

2 Feb 2022