General Macros

Here are some examples of some good generally used macros:

First Aid:

Mouseover Taunts:

/cast [@mouseover, harm, nodead] [ ] Taunt

This is an example of a mouseover taunt. If you have a mouseovered target, you will taunt it, otherwise you will taunt whatever you're currently targeting. To use this with whichever tanking class you are, replace "Taunt" with whatever your taunt ability is.

Cancel Auras:

/cancelaura Hand of Protection

_"/cancelaura"_ cancels any aura you may have on your buff bar. This macro is useful for any tank that may get Hand of Protection casted on them for whatever reason. It is much easier to cancel it this way than having to scan over your buff bar and hope you click on the correct one.

Switching Talents:

/usetalents [spec:1] 2; [spec:2] 1<br />
This macro will switch between your two specs: Primary and Secondary. To get more fancy with your macro...:


/equipset [spec:1] "Primary Spec Equip Set Name" ; "Secondary Spec Equip Set Name"<br />/usetalents [spec:1] 2; [spec:2] 1

This will equip your equip set names that you put in the "Primary Spec Equip Set Name" ; "Secondary Spec Equip Set Name". For example, some classes have a PvP spec and a PvE spec. My "PvP" spec is "spec 2" and my PvE spec is "spec 1". So, it would look like this:

/equipset [spec:1] PvP ; PvE<br />/usetalents [spec:1] 2; [spec:2] 1

Like naming macros, you should name your equipment sets appropiate names so that you can remember them easily and put them into macros.

Multi Macros-A guide for Modifiers:

#showtooltip<br />/cast [nomodifier] MountNameHere<br />/cast [modifier:ctrl] Find Minerals<br />/cast [modifier:shift] Find Herbs<br />/cast [modifier:alt] Smelting

Here is a great example of a modifier macro. Modifiers are used for those "one button" macros you may have heard about. Modifiers work if you're pushing that key on your keyboard and then click the macro at the same time.

Let's go through it line by line:

  1. /cast [nomodifier] <Mount of your choice> : If you're not pushing [ctrl], [alt], or [shift] on your keyboard, it will cast a
    mount of your choice.
  2. /cast [modifier:ctrl] Find Minerals : If you're holding down the [ctrl] key on your keyboard and click the macro, it will
    cast "Find Minerals".
  3. /cast [modifier:shift] Find Herbs : If you're holding down the [Shift] key on your keyboard and click the macro, it will
    cast "Find Herbs".
  4. /cast [modifier:alt] Smelting : If you're holding down the [alt] key on your keyboard and click the macro, it will
    cast "Smelting"'

Pretty cool for one button, huh? You can use these for a lot of abilities, especially if you're running out of room on your
action bars!

#showtooltip<br />/cast [mod:shift, button:1, @party1] [mod:shift, @player] Greater Heal<br />/cast [mod:ctrl, button:1, @party1] [mod:ctrl, @player] Flash Heal<br />/cast [button:1, @party1] [@player] Renew

This is a bit more advanced, but we'll go through this line by line:

The first line, _"/cast [mod:shift, button:1, @party1] [mod:shift, @player] Greater Heal"_ says "cast the spell 'Greater Heal' on the 1st party member if I'm holding down the [shift] key and I push 'button 1', otherwise, if I'm holding down [shift], cast the spell 'Greater Heal' on the player (me)". You could change the _"[mod:shift, @player]"_ to an empty condition ("[]") so that no matter how you hit the macro you'll still cast the first spell in the macro (Greater Heal), or you can even add that empty condition to the end of the macro, but that is completely up to you.

The second line, _"/cast [mod:ctrl, button:1, @party1] [mod:ctrl, @player] Flash Heal"_ has the same principles as the first, only it says "cast the spell 'Flash Heal' on the 1st party member if I'm holding down the [ctrl] key and I push 'button 1', otherwise, if I'm holding down [ctrl], cast the spell 'Flash Heal' on the player (me)".

The last line, _"/cast [button:1, @party1] [@player] Renew"_, says "cast the spell 'Renew' on the 1st party member if I use 'button 1', otherwise, cast the spell 'Renew' on the player (me)".

Tip: Writing "mod" is a shortened way of writing "modifier"

Tip: "button" refers to mouse buttons. "button:1" happens to be the left-click button on your mouse. "button:2" is the right click button on your mouse, which is what fills the other condition if you're not using the "button 1". In addition, a great way to figure out which mouse button is which on your mouse, if you have a lot of buttons on your mouse is to check out your Keybindings in your (esacpe menu). You can set certain things on your action bars to different buttons. To see which button on your mouse is which, use an empty keybinding to test, you can always cancel what you've done, or unbind the key that you changed, or even keep what you've done if you like it.

Tip: If you have keybindings on your action bars that use [shift], [ctrl], or [alt], then modifiers wont work for whichever modifier button you're trying to use. For example, you may have key bindings for [alt], [ctrl], but not [shift], if you use a [shift] modifier for your macros, it should work fine, but if you use the other two, the macro wont work. Update: [shift] and [alt] are working fine even with key bindings... [ctrl] isnt working at all!

Tip: I'm using #showtooltip at the start of this macro, which tooltip will it show me? That's right, it will show me "Renew"'s tooltip. What would I type if I wanted to see "Flash Heal"'s tooltip? How about "Greater Heal"'s? What is very cool about modifiers is that you can see all three tooltips, depending on which modidier you're holding down. Incredible, right?! Try it out: if you hold down [shift], it will show "Greater Heal", if you hold down [ctrl], it will show "Flash Heal", and if you're not holding down anything, it will show "Renew". Also, if you choose the "?" icon for the macro, it will automatically switch between those three icons depending on which modifier you're holding down.

Tip: Writing [modifier] witout a specific button means that the macro will work with any modifier ([alt], [ctrl], or [shift]).

One-Button Mount Macro:

#showtooltip<br />/cast [nomounted,noflyable] GroundMountHere; [nomounted,flyable] FlyingMountHere; [nomounted,swimming] Abyssal Seahorse

This is a great example of a conditional macro. The first thing is looks for is if you're not mounted, and it's a non-flying zone, if it is, then it will cast your ground mount, if not, it will skip to the next condition of the macro. If you're not mounted and you're in a flyable zone, then you will cast your flying mount, if not, you will skip to the next condition. If you're swimming and you're not mounted, you will cast your "Abyssal Seahorse" (if you have a different swimming mount you can put it there), which would only work in Vash'jir.

Logistics for Raids


/rw Vent Details Posted<br />/raid My Guild Vent |<br />/raid My Guild Vent | 1234<br />/raid My Guild Vent | secretpassword<br />/raid Normalize Vent - http://some.vent.server/somewhere<br />/threshold epic<br />/master player

"/rw" is short for "Raid Warning", which makes a noise when it pops in the middle of everyone your raid's interface. In this case it tells everyone in your raid that the Vent details are posted below, in your raid chat.

"/raid" or "/ra" puts your chat automatically in the raid chat, so you don't have to worry about misstelling something. This will work with any chat: "/p" "/t" "/g" "/1" "/2" etc.

"/threshold" changes the loot threshold of the raid. The different commands for the "/threshold" are "epic", "rare", and "uncommon".

"/master" is the type of looting that will happen in your raid. "/master" is to set it to "Master Loot", the "player" tag of the command is who the master looter will be --"player" just so happens to be you. You can type any name after the "/master" command. Other commands for setting loot are: "/ffa", "/roundrobin", "/needbeforegreed".

Autoassist tank if the tank's target can be attacked:

/assist focus

This will target your focus target's target. You can replace "focus" with your tank's name, or with a player that your party or raid leader tells you to assist.

/target [target=focustarget, harm, nodead]<br />
Use the "/focus MainTankNameHere" command before you use this macro. This will set your target to whatever your main tank is targetting, as long as the target is still alive.

#show Attack<br />/target [target=focustarget, harm, nodead]<br />/startattack<br />
This would be a melee version of the macro. You can make it more dynamic if you put an ability inside this macro:

#showtooltip<br />/target [target=focustarget, harm, nodead]<br />/cast Ability<br />/startattack<br />
Pretty straightforward what this macro is about. See how these macros are chaining together nicely now? Something that is new is "[target=focustarget]". If you want to target something specific, you'll use a lot of these bracets ([]). You can put any target you want after "[target=??]". You can even put another player's name in there so they're always targetted. There are also something called "conditions" in this macro. That's this part: " harm, nodead". This means if the target is attackable and it's not dead, in other words, if your tank's target is friendly then you wont try to attack it. Here is another new function:


#showtooltip Spellname<br />/cast [harm] [@targettarget, harm] [@focus, harm] [@focustarget, harm] Spellname

Look at all of these new functions! Here's what the macro does: This casts a spell or ability on a priority based target. If you are targetting an enemy, it will cast at your target; if you are targeting a friend who is attacking a mob, it will cast at their target; if you have no target, but your focus is a mob (i.e. boss fight), it will cast at the mob; and finally if you have no target but your focus is friendly and has an enemy target, it will cast at the enemy. The one thing that is new is the "@" symbol.

The "@" symbol literally means "at". So, every "@" you use means "at" whatever target is in the bracets behind the symbol. For this example we have 3 "@" symbols: the first one, "@targettarget", will cast your spell at your target's target, so, if you're targetting your tank and they're targetting the enemy, then you'll cast the spell at the enemy. The second, "@focus", will cast at your focus target, so, if your focus target is an enemy, you will cast at your focus target. The third, "@focustarget", will cast at your focus target's target, so, if your focus target is the main tank, and your tank is targetting an enemy, you wont even have to target anything to attack, this macro will attack your tank's target automatically.


Multi-Purpose Party Healing

#showtooltip Spellname<br />/cast [help] [@targettarget, help] [@focustarget, help] [@focus, help] [@player] Spellname<br />
This macro works like the above, the order of priority is switched a little. It can be used with a number of strategies, particularly when combined with the above macro. Priorities are as follows: If you are targeting a friendly, cast at them; if your target is targeting a friendly, cast at the friendly (useful for quick adds and bosses with random targeting); if your focus is targeting a friendly, cast at the friendly (useful for bosses); if your focus is friendly, cast at the focus; otherwise, cast at yourself.


/equip Fishing Pole<br />/cast Fishing

This will equip your fishing pole and then with another click you should be able to fish. If you click it once, it wont cast fishing because you wont have a fishing pole equipped yet.

/equip [noequipped:Fishing Poles] Fishing Pole<br />/equip [equipped:Fishing Poles] My Weapon

This will equip your fishing pole if you don't have one on, and it will equip your weapon if you have a fishing pole on.

#showtooltip<br />/cast [nomod] Fishing<br />/equip [noequipped:Fishing Poles, mod] Fishing Pole<br />/equip [equipped:Fishing Poles, mod] My Weapon

This will cast "Fishing" if you're not holding down any modifiers. If you're holding down a modifier, and you don't have a fishing pole equipped, you will equip your fishing pole. If you're holding down a modifier, and you do have a fishing pole equipped, you will equip your main hand weapon. Use "/equip [equipped:Fishing Poles, mod] My Off-hand Weapon" in another line for dual wielding.

#showtooltip<br />/cast [nomod] Fishing<br />/equipset [noequipped:Fishing Poles,mod] Fishing ; [mod] PvE

If you're holding down a modifier, this will equip your equipment set labeled "Fishing" if you're not wearing a Fishing Pole already, and if you are, then it will equip your equipment set labeled "PvE". If no modifier is being held down, then you will cast "Fishing".

#showtooltip Fishing <br />/cast !Find Fish<br />/cast [nomod] Fishing<br />/equipset [noequipped:Fishing Poles,mod] Fishing ; [mod] PvE

This will toggle your "Find Fish" ability to on, always. The rest is the same as the previous macro.

#showtooltip Fishing <br />/cast !Find Fish<br />/cast [nomod] Fishing<br />/equipset [noequipped:Fishing Poles,mod] Fishing ; [mod] PvE<br />/stopmacro [equipped:Fishing Poles}<br />/run SetTracking(1,false)

This will toggle your "Find Fish" on and off at the appropiate times.

#showtooltip <br />/cast [nomod] !Find Fish<br />/cast [nomod] Fishing<br />/equipset [noequipped:Fishing Poles,mod:shift] Fishing;[mod:shift] PvE<br />/use [mod:alt, equipped:Fishing Poles] Feathered Lure<br />/stopmacro [equipped:Fishing Poles]<br />/run SetTracking(1,false)