Starting January 7th, prepare to embark on a journey through the annals of World of Warcraft history with the Turbulent Timeways event for Season 1. This event offers a unique mount, special XP boosts, and an array of nostalgic adventures through iconic expansions. Let's dive into the details of what awaits!
New Mount: Timely Buzzbee

Timeley Buzzbee

Timeley Buzzbee with an hourglass to sit on.
The star reward of this event is the Timely Buzzbee mount. To acquire this buzzing beauty, players must complete the "Master of the Turbulent Timeways II" achievement by obtaining the "Mastery of Timeways" buff five times. This buff increases your experience gained from monster kills and quests by 30% and is refreshed by completing Timewalking dungeons.
Mount Details:
Description: Buzzing through time with precision, these Buzzbees collect the errant sands of time, ensuring their safe return to the Timeways.
Source: Achievement: Master of the Turbulent Timeways II
Category: Timewalking

Master of the Turbulent Timeways 2
Experience Buff: Mastery of Timeways
To unlock the Timely Buzzbee mount, you must first earn the "Mastery of Timeways" buff five times. This is achieved by completing four Timewalking dungeons, each granting a stack of "Knowledge of Timeways." Accumulate four stacks, and they transform into "Mastery of Timeways."

Mastery of Timeways
Timewalking Rotation and Detailed Rewards
Week of January 7: Mists of Pandaria Timewalking
Temple of the Jade Serpent: Navigate through the serene yet perilous waters, battling Sha manifestations.
Stormstout Brewery: Unravel the chaos within and help restore balance.
Shado-Pan Monastery: Assist the Shado-Pan in defending their sacred grounds.
Mogu’shan Palace: Defeat the Mogu warlords threatening Pandaria.
Scholomance: Face dark magic and undead horrors lurking within.
Gate of the Setting Sun: Protect the Vale from a Mantid invasion.
Vendor Rewards from Mistweaver Xia on the Timeless Isle:
Mount: Reins of the Heavenly Jade Cloud Serpent (Yu’lei, Daughter of Jade)
Pets: Infinite Hatchling (dragonkin) and Paradox Spirit (aquatic)
Toys: Adopted Puppy Crate and Portable Yak Wash
Others: Chilled Satchel of Vegetables, reputation tokens for all major Pandaria factions, and updated equipment selections.
Week of January 14: Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking
Raid: Ulduar, featuring iconic bosses like Yogg-Saron.
Azjol Nerub: Battle the Scourge in this ancient Nerubian kingdom.
Gundrak: Face the Drakkari trolls and their fallen gods.
Halls of Lightning: Confront Loken and his titan-forged minions.
The Forge of Souls: Begin the assault on Icecrown Citadel.
The Nexus: Thwart Malygos's plan to control arcane magic.
Utgarde Keep: Investigate the awakening Vrykul threat.
Rewards: Earn transmog sets, pets for the Raiding for Leashes IV achievement, and more.
Week of January 21: Cataclysm Timewalking
Raid: Firelands, where you’ll face Ragnaros and his fiery minions.
The Stonecore: Venture into Deepholm and confront the Twilight’s Hammer.
Lost City of the Tol’vir: Battle the Neferset tol’vir.
The Vortex Pinnacle: Ascend through Skywall and defeat the elemental threats.
Throne of the Tides: Help Neptulon defend his realm against naga invaders.
End Time: Witness a desolate future and face echoes of the past.
Blackrock Caverns: Stop the Twilight’s Hammer’s sinister experiments.
Rewards: Timewalking dungeons can drop Heroic loot and provide a 50% bonus to reputations from quests and creature kills for Cataclysm factions.
Week of January 28: The Burning Crusade Timewalking
Raid: The Black Temple, relive epic battles against Illidan and his forces.
Magister’s Terrace: Stop Kael’thas’s plans on the Isle of Quel’Danas.
Mana-Tombs: Explore the draenei burial grounds in Auchindoun.
The Blood Furnace: Fight through the heart of Hellfire Citadel.
The Botanica: Battle the minions of the Tempest Keep.
The Shattered Halls: Confront the Orcs within Hellfire Citadel.
The Underbog: Delve into Coilfang Reservoir’s murky depths.
Rewards: Gear drops, transmog sets, pets for Raiding With Leashes III, and a Music Roll: The Burning Legion. Demon Hunters can also hunt for the legendary Warglaives of Azzinoth.
Week of February 4: Legion Timewalking
Black Rook Hold: Defend the ancestral home of Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest.
Court of Stars: Infiltrate a Nightborne gala in Suramar.
Darkheart Thicket: Cleanse the Nightmare from Shaladrassil’s roots.
Eye of Azshara: Battle the naga seeking the Tidestone of Golganneth.
Neltharion's Lair: Prevent the drogbar army from rising.
Vault of the Wardens: Secure the prison and its dangerous inmates.
Vendor Rewards from Aridormi in Dalaran (Broken Isles):
Mount: Favor of the Val'sharah Hippogryph
Toy: Nightborne Guard's Vigilance
Cosmetic Shield: Replica Aegis of Aggramar
Transmog Ensemble: Ravencrest's Battleplate
Reputation Tokens: Available for major Legion factions.
Each Timwalking Event will also have many new rewards in the vendors. Some you have already seen in The Birning Crusade Timewalking.
With the recent Patch 11.0.7 update , four exciting new mounts have been introduced to Timewalking vendors in World of Warcraft . Each mount is available for 5000 currency , making them a fantastic addition for collectors and adventurers alike. Below, we’ll explore each mount , including their origins and where to find them.
Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking - Enchanted Spellweave Carpet & Specter
Specter Mount

Availability: Specter will be available during the WoTLK Timewalking event.
Cost: 2200 Timewarped Badges
Vendor: Auzin
Location: Dalaran (the one located in Crystalsong Forest)
This will be the first opportunity to purchase the Specter mount, so be sure to visit Auzin in the heart of Dalaran to secure this spectral addition to your collection.
Enchanted Spellweave Carpet

Availability: Enchanted Spellweave Carpet will also be available during the WoTLK Timewalking event.
Cost: 5000 Timewarped Badges
Vendor: Auzin
Location: Dalaran (the one located in Crystalsong Forest)
This will be the initial availability of the Enchanted Spellweave Carpet, an elegant mount that promises to be a prized possession for any collector. Be ready to visit Auzin in Dalaran to acquire this magical carpet.
Cataclysm Timewalking - Broodling of Sinestra

Description: After the fall of the Bastion of Twilight, a few scattered twilight whelps escaped Vexiona's control. Some of these whelps have allied with mortals and are now willing to bear riders.
Vendor: Kiatke
Location: Stormwind City and Orgrimmar
Cost: 5000 Timewarped Badges
The Broodling of Sinestra is a unique mount that showcases the remnants of the twilight dragonflight, perfect for those who appreciate the lore of Cataclysm.
Mists of Pandaria Timewalking - Copper-Maned Quilen

Description: Raised in the stables of the Iron Qon, these mounts are steadfast and loyal, never abandoning their posts even in the face of danger.
Vendor: Mistweaver Xia
Location: Timeless Isle
Cost: 5000 Timewarped Badges
The Copper-Maned Quilen is a majestic creature that embodies the spirit of the Mists of Pandaria, making it a must-have for collectors.
Warlords of Draenor Timewalking - Nightfall Skyreaver

Description: These fearsome skyreavers descend upon their prey under the cover of night, their cries once striking terror into the hearts of Draenor's children.
Vendors: Kronnus (Warspear) and Tempra (Stormshield)
Cost: 5000 Timewarped Badges
The Nightfall Skyreaver is a striking mount that captures the essence of Warlords of Draenor, perfect for those who enjoy a darker aesthetic.
Legion Timewalking - Ur'zul Fleshripper

Description: This terrifying Ur'zul incorporates its latest victims into itself, creating a nearly unstoppable monster. Treat it well, or you might become its next meal!
Vendor: Aridormi
Location: Dalaran
Cost: 5000 Timewarped Badges
The Ur'zul Fleshripper is not just a mount; it’s a statement piece for any adventurer brave enough to ride such a fearsome creature from the Legion expansion.
The Burning Crusade Timewalking - Reins of the Amani Hunting Bear

The Amani trolls mount this formidable beast during their ceremonial hunts to honor the bear god, Nalorakk.
Vendor: Cupri
Location: Shattrath City
Cost: 5000 Timewarped Badges
To purchase this mount, head to Shattrath by using the portal from your faction's portal room, where you'll find Cupri waiting in the city's center.
NEW PETS and Tranmogs
Each Timewalking Event will also bring new wares to their expansion vendor:
Cosmetic Weapons & Shields
Cosmetic Ensembles
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