Druid macros

Here are some examples of some good Druid class macros:

Travel Form Macros:

For Level 16+:

#showtooltip<br />/cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [indoors] Cat Form; [outdoors] Travel Form<br />
While swimming, casts Aquatic Form, while indoors, casts Cat Form, while outdoors, casts Travel Form

For Level 20-40:

#showtooltip<br />/cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [indoors] Cat Form; [nocombat, harm] Travel Form; [combat] Travel Form; GroundMountNameHere<br />/dismount [mounted]

While swimming, casts Aquatic Form, while indoors, casts Cat Form, while not in combat, yet something can harm, casts Travel Form
while in combat, casts Travel Form, otherwise cast your favorite ground mount. Dismounts if mounted.

For Level 60-85

#showtooltip<br />/cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [indoors] Cat Form;[nocombat, harm] Travel Form; [combat] Travel Form; [flyable] Swift Flight Form; GroundMountNameHere<br />/dismount [mounted]

While swimming, casts Aquatic Form, while indoors, casts Cat Form, while not in combat, yet something is chasing you, casts Travel Form while in combat, casts Travel Form, if in a flyable zone, casts Swift Flight Form, otherwise cast your favorite ground mount. Dismounts if mounted. If you don't have Swift Flight Form yet, replace it with Flight Form.

Cat Form:

#showtooltip<br />/cast [nostance:3] Cat Form(Shapeshift); [nostealth, nocombat] !Prowl(Cat Form); Maim(Cat Form)

If you are not in Cat Form and have no combo points, this will put you into Cat Form, but will fail to cast Maim, otherwise,
click again to cast Maim.

#showtooltip<br />/cast [nostance:3] Cat Form(Shapeshift); [nostealth, nocombat] !Prowl(Cat Form); [stealth] Ravage; Mangle(Cat Form)

If you are not in Cat Form, this will put you into Cat Form, this will also toggle Prowl, if stealthed, this will cast Ravage,
if not, this will cast Mangle.

#showtooltip<br />/cast [nostance:3] Cat Form(Shapeshift); [nostealth, nocombat] !Prowl(Cat Form); [stealth] Pounce(Cat Form); Shred(Cat Form)

If you are not in Cat form, this will put you into Cat Form, this will also toggle Prowl, if stealthed, this will cast Pounce,
if not, this will cast Shred.

#showtooltip<br />/castsequence [nostance:3] Cat Form(Shapeshift); reset=10 [@mouseover, exists, harm, nodead][@target] Feral Charge(Cat Form), Ravage!

This is intended to be used with the talent "Stampede" to benefit from the free ravage after a charge. This will put you into cat form (if not already), use "Feral Charge" on a mouseover target (if it exists, is unfriendly, and is not dead), otherwise, at the current target, then casts "Ravage!", not "Ravage". The macro resets every 10 seconds so that it will always go back to "Feral Charge".

#showtooltip<br />/castsequence [nostance:3] Cat Form(Shapeshift); [nostealth, nocombat] !Prowl(Cat Form); [stealth] Pounce(Cat Form); reset=10 [@mouseover, exists, harm, nodead][@target] Feral Charge(Cat Form), Ravage!

Same as the macro before, only if stealthed it will cast "Pounce", otherwise, it will cast "Feral Charge" and "Ravage!".

#showtooltip<br />/cast [nostance:3] Cat Form(Shapeshift); Dash(Cat Form)

Puts in Cat Form if not already in Cat Form, otherwise it will cast Dash. Will have to click again if not already in Cat Form.

Bear Form:


#showtooltip<br />/cast [nostance:1] Bear Form(Shapeshift) ; Bash

Put in Bear Form if not already in Bear Form, otherwise it will cast Bash. Will have to click again if not already in Bear Borm.

#showtooltip<br />/cast [nostance:1] Bear Form(Shapeshift) ; Growl(Bear Form)

Same as the previous, except casts Growl if in Bear Form.

#showtooltip<br /><br />/cast [mod:shift] Challenging Roar; Growl

Put in Bear Form if not already in Bear Form and casts Challenging Roar or Growl if shift is held.

#showtooltip<br />/cast [mod:shift,stance:1/3] Berserk; [stance:3]Tiger's Fury; [stance:1]Enrage

Will cast Tiger's Fury in Cat Form, Enrage in Bear form or Berserk if shift is held.


Innervate Macros:


#showtooltip <br />/stopmacro [nohelp,dead] <br />/run c="Innervating %t"if UnitInRaid("player")then SendChatMessage(c, "RAID")elseif GetNumPartyMembers()>0 then SendChatMessage(c, "PARTY")end <br />/cast Innervate

This will stop if your target is dead or is not friendly. It will send a message to your party or your raid as to who you are innervating.

#showtooltip<br />/cast [nomod, @mouseover, exists, help][nomod, @target, exists, help][nomod, @focus, exists, help][@player] Innervate

This will cast Innervate in the priority: mouseovertarget, your target, your forcus, and then, if you're holding down any modifier, at yourself.

Ressurection Macro:


#showtooltip <br />/stopmacro [nohelp,nodead] <br />/run c="Resurrecting %t"if UnitInRaid("player")then SendChatMessage(c, "RAID")elseif GetNumPartyMembers()>0 then SendChatMessage(c, "PARTY")end <br />/cast [combat] Rebirth ; Revive

This will stop if your target is not dead or not friendly. It will send a message to your party or your raid as to who you are ressurecting. If you're in combat, you will cast "Rebirth", otherwise, you will cast Revive.

Balance Macros:

#showtooltip<br />/cast [nostance:5] Moonkin Form<br />/castsequence reset=target Insect Swarm, Moonfire, Starsurge

Puts you into Moonkin Form if not in Moonkin Form. Otherwise, casts "Insect Swarm", "Moonfire", and then "Starsurge". The macro will reset
itself once the sequence is complete or you switch targets.

/cast Force of Nature<br />/petattack

Casts "Force of Nature", then sends your pet to attack your current target.

#showtooltip<br />/cast [@target, help, nodead][@targettarget, help, nodead][@mouseover, help, nodead][] Thorns

Casts "Thorns" on your target if it's friendly and not dead, or at your target's target if it's friendly and not dead, or at your mouseovered target if it's friendly and not dead. This is useful if you're attacking a target and you want to cast thorns on your tank.

#showtooltip<br />/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][help][target=player] Swiftmend

A mouseover Swiftmend. Will cast on the target if they're not dead and a friendly target. If there is no mouseover target, then

the macro will cast on the player (self).


#showtooltip <br />/cast [mod]Barkskin<br />/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@focus,help,nodead][help,nodead] HealingSpell ; [harm,nodead] CCorDamageSpell

Casts "Barkskin" if a modifier is held down. If not, then casts a Healing Spell if your target is friendly and not dead, otherwise, it will
cast a damaging or crowd control spell on your unfriendly target.

#showtooltip<br />/cast [@target, help][@targettarget, help] Rejuvenation