There are 25 ranks in total at the start of Dragonflight expansion. The first rank is a welcome to the expedition but the other ones will have some kind of reward. In general, you get cosmetics, access to minigames and the most important when it comes to professions: access to recipes and materials.
Good start when you are leveling up and also at max level. You get between 100 - 200 reputation when completing.
You get access to World Quests when reaching level 70.
New World Quests are up at weekly reset for 3.5 days and then you get a new batch of World Quests that lasts for 3.5 days. So basically you get World Quests two times a week.
Based on World Quest, you get between 50-100 reputation when completing. Mouse over the World Quest to see what faction it rewards reputation to.
This is an item that you turn in at Cataloger Jakes at the Dragonscale Basecamp in The Waking Shores. Turning in 1 Dragon Isles Artifact rewards 15 reputation with Dragonscale Expedition. You can turn in a maximum of 5 at a time, which rewards 75 reputation.
Dragon Isles Artifact can be obtained from:
Expedition Scout´s Packs
Renown Level 2
When you reach Renown Level 2, you will be able to find Scout Packs scattered around the Dragon Isles.At this stage it will be hard to detect them, but there is a way to detect them much easier.
1) Open Options Menu in game.
2) On the search bar on the top right corner, type “outline”.
3) Click on the Advanced tab and find Outline Mode (see image). Set the Outline to “Disabled”.
4) You will now see that the objectives that you loot will be shining and easier to spot.
The Scout Packs Drop
- Dragon Isles Supplies (24-39)
- Primal Chaos (0-1)
- Dragon Isles Artifact (1-3)
- Potion
- Gray vendor gold item
- Chance on a transmog
- Tuskarr Totems
Check my page here to find the best locations of Scout packs.
Buried Treasures
When you reach Renown level 5.
Unlocking this Renown rewards access to Dirt Piles that are scattered around Dragon Isles. You need a small expedition shovel in order to dig the dirt pile and loot. This shovel is sold by Pathfinder Jeb who is located in the Dragonscale Basecamp. One item of “small expedition shovel” has 5 charges so make sure that you buy a bunch before heading out.
Dirt Piles will contain:
- Dragon Isles Supplies (24-39
- Primal Chaos (0-1)
- Dragon Isles Artifact (1-3)
- Potion
- Grey vendor gold item
Check my page here to find the best locations of Dirt Piles.
Anomaly Detection Mark
When you reach Renown 7.
You will unlock a Supply Kit and when you interact with it, it opens up a new talent UI.
Choose the Anomaly Detection mark. This will add an ability to your bar. When you click on this ability, it will change your screen to black & white and show the treasures, Dirt Piles, Supply Packs etc, more visible. It will also dot them for you on your minimap.
There are some really good locations to find treasures, Dirt Piles, Supply Packs etc, check out my guide covering that here.
When you reach Renown 7.
You will unlock a Supply Kit and when you interact with it, it opens up a new talent UI.
Choose the Anomaly Detection mark. This will add an ability to your bar. When you click on this ability, it will change your screen to black & white and show the treasures, Dirt Piles, Supply Packs etc, more visible. It will also dot them for you on your minimap.
There are some really good locations to find treasures, Dirt Piles, Supply Packs etc, check out my guide covering that here.
Obsidian Citadel
There is a location in The Waking Shores called Obsidian Citadel, where you farm key fragments to make them into a key. This is a major event in Dragon Isles. Check out the full guide about it here. The mobs you kill have a chance to drop Dragon Isles Artifact that you turn into reputation (same as above). When turning in an Obsidian key the first time of a weekly reset you are rewarded with an Obsidian Strongbox. When turning in an Obsidian key more times, you will be rewarded with an Obsidian Cache. Obsidian Strongbox contains:
- 3 Dragon Isles Artifact
- 80 Dragon Isles Supplies
- 780 goldObsidian Cache contains:
- 1 Dragon Isles Artifact
- 40 Dragon Isles Supplies
- 250 gold
Ancient Vault
Ancient Vault Artifact is an item that you get from the Dragonflight raid Vault of the Incarnates.
You get this item from:
- Each boss
- Each rare mob
The first time you loot the Ancient Vault Artifact, you will get it as a quest, called "More than a Prison".
You turn in this quest to Lillian Brightmoon, located in Valdrakken (see map).
Turning in this quest rewards
- 30 Dragon Isles Supplies
- 30 reputations with Dragonscale Expedition
You will now be able to turn this item in repeatedly and you get the same reward each time.
There are 8 bosses and around the same amount of rares in the new raid Vault of the Incarnates which means that we will land around 16 Ancient Vault Artifacts per week. We don’t know yet if you can get this item on different difficulties yet. Turning in 16 Ancient Vault Artifact will reward a weekly total of
- 480 Dragon Isles Supplies
- 480 reputations with Dragonscale Expedition
Weekly Dungeon
Once you hit max level in Dragonflight, you will be offered two quests tied to dungeons in, once a week.
The location to get the weekly dungeon quests are in Valdrakken, see map.
There are two NPC´s, Theldren and Kemora inside the house "Azure Archives Annex". Each one offers a weekly dungeon quest.
Both quests rewards following each:
- 250 reputation with Dragonscale Expedition
- 250 reputation with Iskaara Tuskarr
- 250 reputation with Maruuk Centaur
- 50 reputation with Valdrakken Accord
- 100 Dragon Isles Supplies.
Weekly Outdoor Quest
When you reach max level on your first character, you will unlock access to a weekly quest in Valdrakken. If you play an alt character after that, your alt character will have access to the weekly quest directly when reaching Dragon Isles. The quest giver is called Therazaland located next to the fountain in Valdrakken (see map for location)
The weekly quest is called Aiding the Accord and the objectives to complete it differ. In Dragonflight, you will unlock events via the Renown system and once you have unlocked these events, you will see that they will also be a part of your weekly quest rotation.
Here are examples of different weekly quests that I´ve seen on beta:
- Earn 4000 reputation that can be gathered from all reputation sources.
- Earn 3000 reputation + complete a Community Feast event
- Earn 3000 reputation + complete The Hunt event
- Earn 3000 reputation + complete Dragonbane Keep event
Once you complete a weekly quest, you will be rewarded with:
- A Valdrakken Treasure
- 500 reputation with Dragonscale Expedition
- 500 reputation with Iskaara Tuskarr
- 500 reputation with Maruuk Centaur
- 500 reputation with Valdrakken Accord
There are special mobs scattered around the Dragon Isles that have a star icon on them when targeting one. These are not rares and not elite mobs. They are basically harder mobs than the average ones. Looting a “star mob” will always reward something tied to reputation with one of the factions, like for example Dragonscale Expedition.
There are also elite rares scattered around the Dragon Isles that has a skull icon on them. THese are harder to solo. They drop rewards which also include reptuation with one of the factions, like for example Dragonscale Expedition.
Contracts are something that the inscription profession can make.
They will be able to make contract for each reputation faction.
They can be sold on the action house.
If you use a contract, you will get a buff for 7 days that will reward extra reputation on any completed World quest in Shadowlands, for that specific reputation faction that contract is for.
The extra reputation will probably be 10.
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