For BFA Childrens week, check out Blizzards own guide here.
This event is all about taking care of the orphaned children in Azeroth. Basically you will take care of an orphan for a certain time, show him the world (well two worlds) and have a great time.
Taking care of children will reward you various pets and achievements.
There are 3 cities with orphanages
- Stormwind (Alliance) / Orgrimmar (Horde)
- Shattrath
- Dalaran
How does it work
- Choose a city (from above) to take care of an orphan. Locations are listed below.
- Each city has their own specific questline with their own final rewards.
- The Orphan in that certain city will give you “Orphan Whistle” (Summon and dismiss your orphan when using it).
- This will give you quests to go to several places
- Completing these quests will open 2 new quests from that city Orphanage (Dalaran differs slightly).
- Completing the 2 new quests given rewards various pets.
Orphanage Location for starting quest
Orphanage Stormwind
The NPC is called Orphan Matron Nightingale
Orphanage Orgrimmar
The NPC is called Orphan Matron Battlewail
Orphanage Shattrath
The NPC is called Orphan Matron Mercy. Alliance will take care of Draenei Orphan (Dornaa) and Alliance will take care of Blood Elf Orphan (Salandria).
The NPC is called Orphan Matron Aria. You can choose to take care of Orphan Oracle or Orphan Wolvar.
If you want to do both questlines, you can do the other on an alt character.
Event Quest Guides
When you complete the 3 main quests from a certain city, you will get two new quests. Completing the entire questline from a city orphan will reward you a pet. Different questlines from the different cities rewards different pets. You can´t get all the pets on one character at once. So either wait a year until next Children´s event or do them on alts since these pets are account bound.
Quest: Cruisin' the Chasm
1) Travel to Sentinel Hill in Westfall
2) Talk to Twilber Torqwrench ( to initiate the ride (don´t forget to take out your orphan).
Quest: The Biggest Diamond Ever!
1) Travel to Ironforge
2) Enter the Throne Room (don´t forget to take out your orphan).
Quest: Malfurion Has Returned!
1) Travel to Darnassuss
2) Go to Temple of the moon
3) Walk up the ramp and Malfurion is there (don´t forget to take out your orphan).
Once you have completed these quest you will be given new ones:
You Scream, I Scream...
- Travel to the Mage Quarter in Stormwind (see pic below)
- During children’s week there is an ice-cream stand here with a mage surrounded by elementals.
- Buy the Cone of Cold
- Stand face to face with your orphan and eat the ice cream.
Let's Go Fly a Kite
- Head to the Trade District in Stormwind (see pic below)
- Buy a Dragon Kite Two-Pack from Craggle Wobbletop. This gnome is walking around in the outer side of Trade District pushing a cart. Also, buy a Foam Sword Rack for the follow up quest.
- Fly the kite with your orphan out
Completing these two quests will send you back to Orphan Matron Nightingale. You will be given the quest A Warden of the Horde. Hand in the quest since you bought the Sword already.
Completing this entire questline will offer you one of the following:
- Piglet´s Collar
- Turtle Box
- Pet Care Package
- Rat Cage
- Snail Shell
- Curmudgeon's Payoff
If you will only do this on one character this year, I recommend to take the Piglet´s Collar.
Ridin' the Rocketway
1) Travel to the tower at 50.76, 74.03 in Azshara, see map below (North of Orgrimmar)
2) Do NOT talk to the Jokey. Instead, go on the rocket (Orphan needs to be out)
The Banshee Queen
1) Travel to Undercity
2) Check pic below to find the entrance to Sylvanas room
3) Approach Sylvanas (don´t forget to take out your orphan).
The Fallen Chieftain
1) Travel to Mulgore (were Thunder Bluff is located)
2) The location is at 60.79, 23.12 (see pic below)
3) Take out your orphan
Once you have completed these quest you will be given new ones:
You Scream, I Scream...
- Travel to the Goblin Slum in Orgrimmar (see pic below)
- During children’s week there is an ice-cream stand here with a goblin surrounded by elementals.
- Buy the Cone of Cold
- Stand face to face with your orphan and eat the ice cream.
Let's Go Fly a Kite
- Head to the Drag in Orgrimmar (see pic below)
- Buy a Dragon Kite Two-Pack from Blax Bottlerocket. He is walking around in the Drag pushing a cart. Also, buy a Foam Sword Rack for the follow up quest.
- Fly the kite with your orphan out
Completing these two quests will send you back to Orphan Matron Battlewail. You will be given the quest A Warden of the Horde. Hand in the quest since you bought the Sword already.
Completing this entire questline will offer you one of the following:
- Piglet´s Collar
- Turtle Box
- Pet Care Package
- Rat Cage
- Snail Shell
- Curmudgeon's Payoff
If you will only do this on one character this year, I recommend to take the Piglet´s Collar.
Horde Shattrath
A Trip to the Dark Portal
1) Travel to Hellfire Peninsula in Outlands
2) Travel to the Dark Portal
3) Stand on top of the stairs and summon your Orphan.
Visit the Throne of the Elements
1) Travel to Nagrand
2) Travel to the Throne of Elements (se pic below)
3) Take out your orphan
Hch'uu and the Mushroom People
1) Travel to Zangarmarsh.
2) Travel to Sporeggar (se pic below)
3) Take out your orphan
Once you have completed these quest you will be given new ones:
Now, When I Grow Up...
- Travel to Silvermoon
- Travel to Walk of Elders at 76.51, 82.11 (see pic below)
- Take out your Orphan
- Look up the balcony and target the Elite Tauren Chieftain
Time to Visit the Caverns
- Travel to Caverns of time
- Head down to the center were the big Dragon Zaladormu is.
- Take out your Orphan
Completing these two quests will send you back to Orphan Matron Mercy in Shattrath.
You will be offered to choose from following pets:
- Egbert's Egg
- Elekk Training Collar
- Sleepy Willy
- Legs
Alliance Shattrath
A Trip to the Dark Portal
- Travel to Hellfire Peninsula in Outlands
- Travel to the Dark Portal
- Stand on top of the stairs and summon your Orphan.
Auchindoun and the Ring of Observance
- Travel to Auchindon in Terokkar Forest
- Stand in the middle were the summoning stone is
- Summon your orphan
Jheel is at Aeris Landing!
- Travel to Nagrand
- Travel to Aeris Landing located north of Oshu´gun (se pic below)
- Take out your orphan and speak to Jheel.
Once you have completed these quest you will be given new ones:
The Seat of the Naaru
- Travel to Exodar
- Travel to the Seat of the Naaru (see pic below)
- Stand in front of O´ros
- Take out your orphan.
Time to Visit the Caverns
- Travel to Caverns of time
- Head down to the center were the big Dragon Zaladormu is.
- Take out your Orphan
Completing these two quests will send you back to Orphan Matron Mercy in Shattrath.
You will be offered to choose from following pets:
- Egbert's Egg
- Elekk Training Collar
- Sleepy Willy
- Legs
For Dalaran there is an option to choose between 2 orphans and you can only choose one of them (but you can always choose the other with an alt).
Orphan Oracle
The Biggest Tree Ever!
- Travel to Grizzly Hills
- Travel to Grizzlemaw (se pic below)
- Enter the trunk and take out your orphan
The Bronze Dragonshrine
- Travel to Dragonblight
- Travel to 72.06, 38.83 (se pic below)
- Take out your orphan
- Travel to Borean Tundra
- Travel to the Murloc Camp at 43.07, 13.5 (see pic below)
- Take out your Orphan
The Dragon Queen
- Travel to Dragonblight
- Travel all the way up the Wyrmcrest Temple (if you don´t have flying mount there is a flightpath from the bottom of the temple).
- Stand in front of Alextrasza, take out your orphan.
Meeting a Great One
- You need to get to Un´goro
Option 1) You Take the Waygate located at 39.93, 82.67 (see pic below) in Sholazar Basin.
Option 2) You take the Caverns of time portal from Dalaran.
- Location in Un´goro crater is (see pic below)
- Stand in front of Etymidian. Take out your orphan.
A Trip To The Wonderworks
- Travel to the store Wonderworks in Dalaran (see pic below)
- Talk to Jepetto Joybuzz and buy a Small Paper Zeppelin.
- Take out your orphan
- Throw the zeppelin to your orphan
Completing these quests will send you back to Orphan Matron Aria in Dalaran and you will get the pet in your mail:
- Curious Oracle Hatchling
Orphan Wolvar
Home Of The Bear-Men
- Travel to Grizzly Hills
- Travel to Grizzlemaw (se pic below)
- Enter the trunk and take out your orphan
The Bronze Dragonshrine
- Travel to Dragonblight
- Travel to 72.06, 38.83 (se pic below)
- Take out your orphan
- Travel to Dragonblight
- Travel to Snowfall Glade (se pic below)
- Take out your orphan near one of those pups.
The Dragon Queen
- Travel to Dragonblight
- Travel all the way up the Wyrmcrest Temple (if you don´t have flying mount there is a flightpath from the bottom of the temple).
- Stand in front of Alextrasza, take out your orphan.
The Mighty Hemet Nesingwary
- Travel to Sholazar Basin
- Travel to Nesingwary Base Camp
- Stand in front of Hemet and take out your orphan
A Trip To The Wonderworks
- Travel to the store Wonderworks in Dalaran (see pic below)
- Talk to Jepetto Joybuzz and buy a Small Paper Zeppelin.
- Take out your orphan
- Throw the zeppelin to your orphan
Completing these quests will send you back to Orphan Matron Aria in Dalaran and you will get the pet in your mail:
- Curious Wolvar Pup
Pet rewards
Stormwind /Orgrimmar questline
Rat Cage
Turtle Box
Snail Shell
Shattrath questline
Egbert´s Egg
Elekk Training Collar
Sleepy willy
Dalaran questline
Curious Oracle Hatchling
Curious Wolvar Pup
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