- You will fight 2 bosses that share health: General Kaal and General Grashaal
- The fight has 3 phases.
Phase 1 - You fight Kaal (Grashaal flies to the air and does ability on raid)
Phase 2 – You fight Grashaal (Kaal flies to the air and does ability on raid)
Phsae 3 – You fight both bosses (Grashaal and Kaal). - You will have 2 friendly NPCs fighting with you once you free them.
- Draven is freed at 70% and 40% health to fight the air enemies.
- The prince is freed when you collect enough anima from the flying adds that drops them and give it to the prince. The prince removes a boss (Kaal/Grashaal) stone form that they do when reaching 50% health.
- When the stoneform protection on Kaal (does it at 50% hp) is removed by the prince, the 2 bosses swap so you will instead fight Grashaal and enter phase 2.
- When the stoneform protection on Grashaal (does it at 50% hp) is removed by the prince, you enter phase 3 and attack both bosses.
- When a boss dies, the other gets boosted (dmg increased by 300%) so kill them at the same time more or less.
- Main-tank takes boss to center of platform and phase away from raid. Raid stacks on the side of boss. Have two markers on top of platform for Wicked Blade. Have a mark next to raid for Crystallize.
Phase 1
- Kaal does bleed debuff on raid and on tank. This is permanent and only removed by Grashaal Crystalize ability.
Wicked Blade – Kaal throws a blade that bounces off 2 players before returning back. Other players in the way will also take dmg. Run to marked location and spread.
Serrated Swipe – Kaal slash tank that also puts a bleed debuff (Serrated Tear), that does dmg every 1 sec and increase dmg taken by 50% from Serrated Swipe. Tank swap each Crystalize (That Grashaal does on raid).
Heart Rend debuff on 4 random players. Dispelling it does a much shorter debuff but more dmg. Dispell and heal up. - Grashaal does 2 abilities from the air.
Marks random player (brown circle around the player).
After 5 sec it stuns and does aoe dmg to anyone inside that circle. The dmg removes bleed debuff.
Marked player moves to the side next to raid. Players that needs to remove the debuff runs in to the circle before it explodes.
Off-tank runs to circle as well to remove debuff.
Shoots a meteor on random player and does deadly dmg.
Stack up to share the dmg. Stack on Crysalize stunned players since they cant move at that time. - Bat add (Goliath)
Tank it.
Focus nuke it.
When bat reaches 20% health it reduces healing received. - Anima orbs
Have players picking up small red anima orbs on the platform and give to the prince so he can remove the stoneform that Kaal gets when reaching 50% health. The prince must have 100% anima. - Adds
Waves of adds will come. Cleave them when bat is up and AoE nuke them when bat is dead. They drop bigger Anima orbs to take to the prince.
Phase 2
- The prince does knockback on enemies and players and Grashaal swaps with Kraal.
- Grashaal Two abilities on Tanks
Stone Breaker´s Combo
Does Crystilize on tank (that AoE dmg stuns & removes bleed debuff) then a meteor directly after that must be soaked by raid.
Stone Fist
Boss smash tank hard + knockback.
Puts a 40 sec debuff that increase dmg taken by 100% from Stone Fist.
Grashaal 3 abilities on raid
Seismic Upheaval - Marks 2 random player that spawns spikes under them. Run to the side and run until it´s gone.
Targets a random player that does dmg to all within 8 yards and will spawn circle of rocks. Run away from raid to the edge so the rocks circle spawns there.
The rocks will do raid dmg and must be soaked. Soaking puts a debuff so new players must soak every time.
Crystalize + Meteor
Marks random player (brown circle around the player).
After 5 sec it stuns and does aoe dmg to anyone inside that circle. The dmg removes bleed debuff.
Marked player moves to the side next to raid. Players that needs to remove the debuff runs in to the circle before it explodes.
Off-tank runs to circle as well to remove debuff.
Raid stack on stunned players to share dmg of meteor.
- Kaal does wicked blade still, but now from the front of the platform.
Targeted players move to marked position. - Bat add (Goliath)
Tank it.
Focus nuke it.
When bat reaches 20% health it reduces healing received. - Anima orbs
Have players picking up small red anima orbs on the platform and give to the prince so he can remove the stoneform that Kaal gets when reaching 50% health. The prince must have 100% anima. - Adds
Waves of adds will come. Cleave them when bat is up and AoE nuke them when bat is dead. They drop bigger Anima orbs to take to the prince.
- Both bosses will do all their abilities.
- Tanks swap when crystalize to remove bleed.
- Goliath will spawn here as well. Nuke it down fast.
- Adds will come here as well. Cleave dmg them.
- Healing CDs needed on this phase
- Bloodlust/timeward/Heroism
- Kill the bosses at the same time otherwise the other one gets 200% increased dmg done.
Raid Stacks
Tank boss and face away from raid.
When targeted by Wicked Blade
When targeted by Crysallize
Place circle on star side when Reverberating Eruption.
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