Tasked with guarding the great hall of Sire Denathrius, the blind shriekwing locates her prey with sound and smell. The last sound heard by trespassers in Castle Nathria´s halls is the monster´s shriek as she descends on her prey.
Overview - Fast Tactics
This fight has 2 phases that loops between them.
Phase 1 is when boss collects blood to reach 100 blood.
Phase 2 is when boss has 100 blood and is blinded and stalks players with a sonar.
2 phase fight.
Phase 1 you will fight boss and tank it.
Phase 2 starts when boss has 100 blood energy, you will run away from it and dodge sonic beams.
Phase 1
Tank swap when boss does Exsanguinating Bite.
Only main tank in front of boss. NO ONE else infront because boss does a frontal cleave.
Run away from raid and to a wall when you get the Echolocation debuff. Run back after you dropped a pool on the ground.
Hide behind pillar (LoS Boss) when boss does Earsplitting Shriek.
Stand close to each other because you drop a pool on the ground that does dmg and you don’t want the pools all over.
Big raid dmg when boss does Wave of Blood
Boss sends out sonar beams that bounces on pillars and walls. Dodge them or you will get a bat that leaps on you and does dmg. Ability is called Echoing Screech.
Phase 2
Don’t be close to boss or you die.
Dodge the sonic beams.
Hide behind pillars from boss when Earsplitting Shriek.
Blood Lust
At pull.
Phase 1
Tank boss furthest back to the side of the platform.
Raid behind boss.
Only main tank in front.
Phase 2
Spread out and dont be close to boss.
Abilities and Tactics
This fight has 2 phases.
Phase 1 is when boss collects blood to reach 100 blood.
Phase 2 is when boss has 100 blood and is blinded and stalks players with a sonar.
PHASE 1 – Thirst for Blood
Exsanguinating Bite (Tank)
- Boss does high physical dmg and a stacking debuff Exsanguinated that lasts for 10 sec.
- The debuff reduces healing taken and increase dmg taken by 10% each stack.
Tactics: Exsanguinating Bite
- Tank swap when off tank debuff is gone.
- Old version: Off tank stands on a pool of Sanguine Ichor to remove the stacks periodically.
- New version: You cant remove it with a pool anymore. Have to let it pass by it self.
Blind Swipe (tanks)
- Boss does a frontal cleave that does physical dmg to all in front of her.
Tactics: Blind Swipe (tanks)
- Only main tank in front of boss. Face the boss away from raid.
- Boss targets a random player.
- After 8 seconds, a bat will leap on you.
- This does physical dmg on player and any nearby player within 6 yards.
- This also leaves a Sanguine Ichor pool on the ground.
- Sanguine Ichor does Shadow dmg ever 1 sec when standing on it.
Tactics: Echolocation
- Run away from raid when targeted (an arrow on your head).
- Run to a wall so the pools are placed there and not where players will be.
Earsplitting Shriek
- Boss does a scream that does very high physical dmg to players not hiding from it.
- If players hide from the scream, they take greatly reduced dmg.
- Every player gets a debuff that does physical dmg every 2 sec for 12 sec (no matter if you were hiding)
- The debuff will drop a Sanguine Ichor when it wears off.
This is a bloody pool that does Shadow dmg every second a player stands on it.
Tactics: Earsplitting Shriek
- Mark all pillars.
- You need to have pools more stacked otherwise you will get pools all over the place and it will be hard to move and hide.
- Melee stacks and hides behind one
- Ranged stacks and hides behind the other
- Healers beware to heal up.
- When phase 1 starts again, after phase 2 ends, then you will use the other 2 pillars instead.
Wave of Blood
- Boss periodically does dmg to the entire raid and also a debuff.
- This debuff does shadow dmg every 2 sec for 12 sec.
Tactics: Wave of Blood
- Healers beware
HEROIC MODE: Echoing Screech
- Boss sends out sonar beams that bounces on pillars and walls.
- They does very high dmg and stuns for 6 sec.
- Also a bat will leap on you and do high physical dmg (AoE dmg within 6 yards).
HEROIC MODE Tactics: Echoing Screech
- Use the pillars to hide from the sonar beams. Remember, they bounce throughout the platform.
- Melee beware and dodge the sonic beams.
PHASE 2 – Terror of Castle Nathria
When reaching 100 blood, the boss takes 99% reduced dmg (Bloodgorged).
During this time, boss is blinded and must detect players by sound.
Boss teleports to the middle and starts by casting Dark Sonar then starts moving around the platform.
Blood Shroud
- If a player is within 16 yards form boss on phase 2, she insta kills that player.
Tactics: Blood Shroud
- You want to use the pillars to dodge her abilities and at the same time stay away from her.
Dark Sonar
- Boss shoots out Sonar beams in 4 directions that bounce throughout the platform.
- Getting hit cowers the player for 4 sec and then boss attacks with Deadly Descent.
- Deadly Descent is an add that leaps on you and does high physical dmg and puts a Sanguin Ichor pool on ground location.
Tactics: Dark Sonar
- Stand behind the pillars to dodge the sonar beams.
- If a player is hit, other players move away so you don’t take dmg from Deadly Descent.
- Healers beware of players hit.
Earsplitting Shriek
- Boss does a scream that does very high physical dmg to players not hiding from it.
- If players hide from the scream, they take greatly reduced dmg.
- Every player gets a debuff that does physical dmg every 2 sec for 12 sec (no matter if you were hiding)
- The debuff will drop a Sanguine Ichor when it wears off.
This is a bloody pool that does Shadow dmg every second a player stands on it.
Tactics: Earsplitting Shriek
- Keep an eye on boss and hide behind pillar when Shriek.
- Try to stand close to each other so the pools are more stacked up.
When to Bloodlust/Timewarp/Heroism
At pull
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