Anima fuels the Shadowlands, and Lady Inerva Darkvein seeks to unlock its mysteries. Under Denathrius´s tutelage, she has learned insidious secrets to turn against his enemies. She will strip anima from Nathria´s invaders and use it to shape a dark new future.
- You will fight a boss that has 4 abilities.
- There are also 4 containers on the platform.
- They are linked to the abilities the boss does.
- Each container corresponds to a boss ability.
- When the anima rises, the effect of her abilities increases.
Level 1 – Starts at 0% filled container.
Level 2 – Starts at 33% filled container.
Level 3 – Starts at 66% filled container. - Desire
Tank debuff
Keep stack low because it copies to a random player at lvl 2.
Run away when copied on you at lvl 3. - Bottled Anima
Soak the bottles (circles on the ground).
Leaves pools on lvl 2
Each bottle bounces and hits ground 2 times in total on lvl 3. - Sin
Target players with beam between them. Does dmg to nearby players.
The targeted players must make sure that the beam cross over every orb that spawns.
Be fast or deadly dmg.
(lvl 2) red beam forms between each orb as a tirangle. Standing inside does dmg.
(lvl 3) The red beams from orbs rotates
- Concentrated Anima
3 random players with debuff that spawns adds when expires.
1 melee and 2 ranged.
Stack up before debuff expires.
Melee must be tanked, does dmg with increased dmg debuff.
Ranged must be interrupted.
At lvl 2 you are rooted
At lvl 3 the debuff does high dmg to nearby players when expired. - Players can open / close the containers
Opening one let´s anima out from the bottle. This is called Loose Anima.
This does low shadow dmg to all players every second.
The more bottles open, the more Loose Anima, the more dmg.
Closing one let´s the anima start rising again.
If a bottle is totally full, a Container Breach happens.
This breach does dmg to players until the bottle is opened and anima is reduced from it.
- Boss will lock a container
The boss will sometimes focus on one bottle and lock it, preventing players from opening it.
This also increase the rate of anima gain in the bottle.
Abilities and Tactics
- The entire fight is one phase 1.
- You will fight a boss that has 4 abilities.
- There are also 4 containers on the platform.
- They are linked to the abilities the boss does.
- Each container corresponds to a boss ability.
- When the anima rises, the effect of her abilities increases.
Level 1 – Starts at 0% filled container.
Level 2 – Starts at 33% filled container.
Level 3 – Starts at 66% filled container.
The Containers
- Players can open and close the containers.
- Opening a container lets the anima out from it.
This reduces the % filled.
This also does low raid dmg every 1 sec it is open.
The more containers open, the more raid dmg. - If a container is 100%, a Container Breach happens that does very high dmg until it goes below 100%.
- The boss can focus on a container and lock it so that players cannot interact with it.
Tactics: Containers
- Keep the containers on level 1 (below 30%)
The boss will lock the container sometimes, therefore, have them on the lowest level as much as possible. - Mark each container to better call out which container needs to be opened/closed.
- Have a player assigned for each container, preferably ranged dps/heal.
Container – Desire
Happens when boss reaches 100 energy.
Level 1 – (Expose Desires) Boss does very high physical dmg on tank and a debuff that does shadow dmg for 21 sec.
Level 2 – (Expose Cognition) Same as level 1 but the dmg is also copied to a random player for 10 sec, called Warped Desires.
Level 3 – (Expose Heart) Same as level 1 and 2 but the tank debuff explodes with very high dmg to everyone when it expires. The further away from that player, the less dmg taken.
Tactics: Container – Desire
- Tank swap at 2 stacks.
- In this way, when level 2, the random player will not take deadly dmg.
- Healers beware of the player with warped desires and keep the player alive.
- When level 3 – Tank must run away from raid.
Container – Bottled Anima
Happens continuously through the fight.
Level 1 – Boss throws several bottles on the ground that does high shadow dmg to players within 3 yards. If no players are hit, it does high shadow dmg to all players.
Level 2 – Same as level 1, but the impact leaves a pool on the ground that does shadow dmg.
Level 3 – The bottles will bounce and hit the ground 2 times in total.
Tactics: Bottled Anima
- Spread out and run and stand on the circle where the impact of a bottle will be.
- Use defensive to make it easier for healers since they will have a lot of raid dmg in this fight.
- Make sure that all bottles are soaked.
- Beware of the pools in level 2.
- Beware of the pools and soak each bottle two times.
Container – Sin
Happens continuously through the fight.
Level 1 – Boss spawns orbs on the platform that does dmg. Also 3 players are linked with red beam. The task is position so that all orbs have a beam piercing through it.
Linked players take dmg, and also other players that are caught between them.
If players fail to line the beam on each orb they will explode and do high dmg over 10 sec.
Level 2 – Same as level 1, but there is a red beam between each orb, forming a triangle. Standing inside the triangle does dmg.
Level 3 – The beams rotates as well.
Tactics: Sin
- Targeted players must stand so that all orbs have a beam passing through it.
- Don’t stand on a beam.
- When level 2, avoid standing inside the triangle.
- When level 3, dodge the red beams that rotates.
Container – Concentrated Anima
Happens continuously through the fight.
Level 1 – 3 random players with a 10 sec debuff. When expires, does aoe dmg (8 yards) and spawns an add. One melee and 2 casters.
Melee add – Does debuff on tank that does shadow dmg and increase dmg taken from the next debuff by 10% for 15 sec. If not melee attacked, it does high shadow dmg to all.
Caster add – Casts Condemns that does high shadow dmg on a random player.
Level 2 – Same as level 1, but the players are rooted when getting the debuff.
Level 3 – Same as level 1 and 2, each debuff will also shoot fragments on all directions when expired. Getting hit by fragment does high shadow dmg.
Tactics: Concentrated Anima
- Stack together so they spawn next to each other. Interrupt the casts. Tank the melee. Melee puts debuff on tank 10% increased dmg from Desires for 15 sec.
- Interrupt the casters
- Nuke the adds fast.
- Raid watch out on level 3 so you are not close to the targeted players.
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