- TheGladiator's Sanctum: This building offers several titles for both factions: %s, Warlord of Draenor for completing the achievement Warlord of Draenor (Horde)/ Warlord of Draenor (Alliance) which consists of killing 500 of each race from the opposite faction, and there are individual titles as well completing the Nemesis achievements for killing each race. Titles available to the Alliance are:%s the Death Stalker, %s, Huojin's Fall, %s, Killer of Kezan, Orcslayer %s, %s, Slayer of Sin'dorei, %s the Butcher, and Troll Hunter %s. Titles available to the Horde are: %s, Draenei Destroyer, %s the Dwarfstalker, Gnomebane %s, %s the Manslayer, %s, Scourge of the Kaldorei, %s, Terror of the Tushui, and Worgen Hunter %s. In addition, winning the Highmaul Coliseum event and earning The Last of Us, accessed through the Gladiator's Sanctum, awards the title: %s, Lady of War or %s, Lord of War.
- Lumber Mill: Completing work orders at your Lumber Mill awards achievements that grant titles: completing 50 Work Orders awards Choppin' Some More Logs is for 50 Work Orders and grants theLumberjack %s After completing 100 Work Orders, you are awarded the achievement Choppin' Even More Logs. It grants the%s the Commandojack title for Alliance and Timber Lord %s for Horde.
The Stables: Completing the achievement associated with the Stables building ( The Stable Master for Alliance and The Stable Master for Horde) grants the title Stable Master %s
- TheGladiator's Sanctum provides you, through work orders, with blue PvP gear. It also allows you to obtain PvP titles.
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