There are 30 ranks in total at the start of Dragonflight expansion. The first rank is a welcome to the Isakaara Tuskarr, but the other ones will have some kind of reward. In general, you get cosmetics, access to minigames and the most important when it comes to professions: access to recipes and materials.
Good start when you are leveling up and also at max level. You get between 100 - 200 reputation when completing.
You get access to World Quests when reaching level 70.
New World Quests are up at weekly reset for 3.5 days and then you get a new batch of World Quests that lasts for 3.5 days. So basically you get World Quests two times a week.
Based on World Quest, you get between 50-100 reputation when completing.Mouse over the World Quest to see what faction it rewards reputation to.
Keep an eye out for objectives on the map. Completing an objective tied to Iskaara Tuskarr Accord will reward 50.100 reputation.
Unlock Renown 5 Access to get “Story of a Memorable Victory” from various outdoor sources (World Quests, Rares. You get one once per week. Turning this in rewards 250 reputation.
Unlock Renown 2
This is an item that you turn in at Elder Poa, located inside the hut (The Filled Bowl) in Iskaara. Turning in 1 Sacred Tuskarr Totem rewards 15 reputation with Valdrakken Accord. You can turn in a maximum of 5 at a time, which rewards 75 reputation.
These Tuskarr totems can be rewarded from events, dailies, world quests but also from treasures scattered in the Dragon Isles.
There are special mobs scattered around the Dragon Isles that have a star icon on them when targeting one. These are not rares and not elite mobs. They are basically harder mobs than the average ones. Looting a “star mob” will always reward something tied to reputation with one of the factions, like for example Iskaara Tuskarr.
There are also elite rares scattered around the Dragon Isles that have a skull icon on them. These are harder to solo. They drop rewards which also include reputation with one of the factions, like for example Iskaara Tuskarr.
Every 3.5 hour, there is a community feast starting in Iskaara in The Azure Span. This Community Feast is all about following the chef´s order when he is cooking a soup.
The event lasts for 15 minutes and during this time you will complete minor tasks for Big Knook. He will give you instructions on what to do. These tasks can be:
- Get some item from one of the vendors
- Get some item that is lying in a certain location in Iskaara
- Attack Tough Carp (tenderize)
- Stomp Hermits around the pot
- Fishing for a specific fish
- Toss back escaping fish
All players, alliance and horde are helping out with this community feast.
While doing the different tasks, you get aroma points. This aroma is tied to the soup quality.
The event starts with 0/150 Soup Quality which is “poor”.
Once players collected 150 aroma, special add comes to attack the pot and you cannot do any tasks while they are alive. Killing the adds let´s you continue with the tasks. It also levels up the soup quality.
There are 7 levels of soup quality.
Quality |
Aroma points for next level |
Poor |
150 |
Common |
250 |
UnCommon |
300 |
Rare |
600 |
Epic |
1200 |
Legendary |
When the timer is over (the 15 min), the soup will have the quality that you reached. Interacting and tasting the soup will give you a buff that is active for when outdoor in Dragon Isles. This buff increases your Versatility and health with higher number based on the quality of the soup.
When there are many players, you will complete around 15-20 tasks. Each task rewards 20 reputation with Iskaara Tuskarr. So an entire Community feast rewards around 300-400 reputation, and remember that you can do this task every 3.5 hour.
Here are the exact timers on beta at the moment that Lazey @patf0rd investigated.
Daily Community Feast Quest
Once a week you can complete another quest. There is an NPC called Pleeqi that is located just next to the big pot. This quest is tied to the Community Feast. To complete this quest, you have to complete 5 tasks in the Community Feast. This will reward
- 500 reputation with Iskaara Tuskarr
- Supply-Laden Soup potThis pot contains- 100 Dragon Isles Supplies- Fish- Cooking ingredients- 3 Dragon Isles Artifacts- 353 ilvl gear
Contracts are something that the inscription profession can make.
They will be able to make contract for each reputation faction.
They can be sold on the action house.
If you use a contract, you will get a buff for 7 days that will reward extra reputation on any completed World quest in Shadowlands, for that specific reputation faction that contract is for.
The extra reputation will probably be 10.
Once you hit max level in Dragonflight, you will be offered two quests tied to dungeons in, once a week.
The location to get the weekly dungeon quests are in Valdrakken, see map.
There are two NPC´s, Theldren and Kemora inside the house "Azure Archives Annex". Each one offers a weekly dungeon quest.
Both quests rewards following each:
- 250 reputation with Dragonscale Expedition
- 250 reputation with Iskaara Tuskarr
- 250 reputation with Maruuk Centaur
- 50 reputation with Valdrakken Accord
- 100 Dragon Isles Supplies.
Once you hit max level in Dragonflight, you will be offered two quests tied to dungeons in, once a week.
The location to get the weekly dungeon quests are in Valdrakken, see map.
There are two NPC´s, Theldren and Kemora inside the house "Azure Archives Annex". Each one offers a weekly dungeon quest.
Both quests rewards following each:
- 250 reputation with Dragonscale Expedition
- 250 reputation with Iskaara Tuskarr
- 250 reputation with Maruuk Centaur
- 50 reputation with Valdrakken Accord
- 100 Dragon Isles Supplies.
When you reach max level on your first character, you will unlock access to a weekly quest in Valdrakken. If you play an alt character after that, your alt character will have access to the weekly quest directly when reaching Dragon Isles. The quest giver is called Therazaland located next to the fountain in Valdrakken (see map for location)
The weekly quest is called Aiding the Accord and the objectives to complete it differ. In Dragonflight, you will unlock events via the Renown system and once you have unlocked these events, you will see that they will also be a part of your weekly quest rotation.
Here are examples of different weekly quests that I´ve seen on beta:
- Earn 4000 reputation that can be gathered from all reputation sources.
- Earn 3000 reputation + complete a Community Feast event
- Earn 3000 reputation + complete The Hunt event
- Earn 3000 reputation + complete Dragonbane Keep event
Once you complete a weekly quest, you will be rewarded with:
- A Valdrakken Treasure
- 500 reputation with Dragonscale Expedition
- 500 reputation with Iskaara Tuskarr
- 500 reputation with Maruuk Centaur
- 500 reputation with Valdrakken Accord
The Valdrakken Treasure contains:
- 5 Primal Chaos (An optional reagent used for crafting powerful items and equipment)
- 1 Dragon Shard of Knowledge (Turn it in for Artisan´s Mettle and Profession Specialization talent tree points).
- 363 ilvl gear
- 250 Dragon Isles Supplies (used as a currency in many vendors in Dragon Isles)
You need to reach Renown 4 with Iskaara Tuskarr reputation faction.
Once you reach Renown 4, you have unlocked “Fishing Holes” which unlocks the ability to find rare fish pools in unique fishing holes around Dragon Isles that are also known for their great bounty of activities.
Open your map over the Dragon Isles and look for a Hook icon, I call it the Maui Hook. This is a location of a Fishing Hole. Head over there.
Once there, you will find several daily quest givers. One of them is a quest giver that you turn in fish to complete and you can do that over and over.
There are 6 types of fish:
- Scabelly Mackeral
- Thousandbite Piranha
- Aileron Seamoth
- Cerulean Spinefish
- Temporal Dragonhead
- Islefin Dorado
You can turn in 10 of the same fish and be rewarded with 5 reputation with Iskaara Tuskarr. You also increase the % of chance to find certain fish in the area and set out nets.
Since these quests are repeatable, you can basically buy as much as you can afford from the auction house and turn them in here. Go for the cheapest fish, since there are 6 different ones you can choose between.
Remember that this is beta and might change before it goes live.
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