You will fight boss on the main platform.
There are 3 portals around the platform that the boss opens, one at a time
90% boss health à the fiery portal opens.
60% health à fel portal opens
30% health à shadow portal opens
Players must jump in to the portal and get ported to a platform behind the portal.
In each of the portal platforms is a big add that has special abilities.
The big add must be tanked, interrupted and nuked fast and hard.
After every portal is completed, players will take ticking dmg for the rest of the fight.
After last portal is completed, players will take dmg and have their dmg reduces as well.
After each portal is completed, a new set of adds will spawn when the boss spawns adds from a small
The boss has its own special abilities on the main platform and must be tanked when raid enters a portal.
The best is to have 3 tanks for this fight: 2 tanks on main platform that tanks boss and tank swaps, and one tank to enter the portals and tank adds on main platform.
If you do this with 2 tanks, you must be able to balance the debuff on tank when that player enters the portal, and nuke the big add before tank on main platform dies of to many stacks from boss.
Tank boss on the outer edge of the platform.
After each collapsing world, run to the opposite side of the platform and tank her there, on the outer edge.
Never tank the boss close to the portal that is active (players may die when they come back, if the collapsing world is there).
Always stay at max range when collapsing world.
Always stay closer to boss when adds spawn in order to kill them more efficient.
Abilities and tactics
Main platform – Main boss
If no players are in the main platform, boss will kill all players (Catastrophic Implosion).
Reality Tear (tanks)
This is the tank swap debuff.
Boss puts a stacking debuff that does moderate physical damage every 2 sec for 30 sec.
When the debuff expires, it explodes and does dmg to all players. The more stacks the more damage.
Tactic: Reality Tear (tanks)
Tank swap at 2 stacks.
Collapsing world
Boss creates a big dark swirl on the ground that explodes after some sec.
This does high dmg to all players, but the further you are, the less dmg you take.
If you are inside the black swirl, you will be knocked off the platform.
Tactic: Collapsing world
Tank boss on the edge of the platform so that the black swirl will be on a side of the platform.
Run away from the swirl, and run away even further so you take less dmg.
Felstorm Barrage
Boss creates a big fire line on the platform.
After some seconds, it explodes and does deadly dmg and a knockback.
Tactic: Felstorm Barrage
Run away from it and if you are rooted by an add on that line, make sure that someone, or you, can help you away from the root (immunity, blink, freedom etc).
Transport Portal: ADDS
Boss will start casting transport portal after first portal is broken for the rest of the fight. More types of adds will come, when more portals are destroyed.
First portal broken: Imps spawns
Imps cast fiery blaze that does AoE dmg to all players and leaves a dmg debuff for 6 sec.
Tactics: Imps
The imps can be taunted and tanked.
Group them up and help stun/interrupt them
AoE nuke the adds fast.
Interrupt and stun them.
Second portal broken: Imps and spiders spawns
Spiders attacks random players.
Spiders shoot acid web so that players cannot move for 5 sec and does dmg.
Tactic: Imps and Spiders
Only Imps can be taunted and tanked.
Group them up and help stun/interrupt spiders and imps.
Players with awesome AoE, go for imps
Players with awesome single target, focus the spiders that runs away.
Try to be close to boss so adds don’t wonder of.
Third portal broken: Imps, Spiders and Hungering Stalker spawns.
Only one stalker at a time.
Stalkers casts howling shadows that does shadow dmg to all players and interrupts all players for 6 sec.
Tactic: Third portal
Only Imps can be taunted and tanked.
Group them up and help stun/interrupt spiders and imps
Focus mostly on dpsing stalker and interrupt it.
At the same time, nuke adds and interrupt them and stun them.
Try to be close to boss so adds don’t wonder of.
Tactic Portals
You will fight boss on the main platform.
There are 3 portals around the platform that the boss opens, one at a time
90% boss health à the fiery (red) portal opens.
60% health à fel (green) portal opens
30% health à shadow (purple) portal opens
When portal is active (add spawns on portal platform)
The best is to have 3 tanks for this fight: 2 tanks on main platform that tanks boss and tank swaps, and one tank to enter the portals and tank adds on main platform.
If you do this with 2 tanks, you must be able to balance the debuff on tank when that player enters the portal, and nuke the big add before tank on main platform dies of to many stacks from boss.
First portal: Vulcanar
On first portal platform, there is one big add: Vulcanar.
- He does ticking dmg to all players on the main platform until he dies. The dmg increases over time as well.
- He must be tanked and interrupted
- There are flames (everburningflames) on the platform that players must touch after Vulcanar dies. These flames will do ticking dmg for 10 sec then dropped on ground. Players should be in main platform when they drop.
- The flames should be touched again before entering the last portal, so players can see anything in that platform.
- When Vulcanar is dead, players on the main platform will take low ticking damage for the rest of the fight.
Second portal: Rancora
- Rancora does ticking dmg to all players in the main platform every 2 sec. The dmg increases over time as well.
- Rancora must be tanked and interrupted.
- Rancora wraps a random player in a web that must be destroyed asap.
- Rancora does high poison dmg based on players health that must be topped up asap by healers.
- When Rancora is dead, players on the main platform will take low ticking damage for the rest of the fight.
- Remember to check that the coast is clear before coming out again
Third portal: Lord Eilgar
- Lord Eilgar does ticking dmg to all players in the main platform every 3 sec and reduce dmg done by 1% every 4 sec. This over time as well.
- There is a dark cloud on this platform that reduces the sight for players. Players need the flame from first portal platform to see.
- Players get a debuff here that makes healing reduced and must be dispelled. Players must spread otherwise the debuff will do dmg to players within 8 yards.
- Lord Eilgar must be tanked and interrupted.
- Healers must be at max range (further than 35 yards) otherwise it will reduce all healing and absorb they do and will also heal Lord Eilgar.
- When Lord Eilgar is dead, players on the main platform will take low ticking damage and do less damage for the rest of the fight.
When to Blood Lust/Timewarp/Heroism
Two choices
- On third portal platform when fighting Lord Eilgar.
- On main platform after third portal is completed.
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