7.1 Trial of Valor Raid Guide

This Raid consists of three bosses; Odyn, Guarm and Helya. Basically, you practice with Odyn to be strong enough to pass the guard hound Guarm in order to kill Helya. 

When does Trial of Valor Raid unlock/release?

Patch 7.1 will be released 25th October (US), 26th Oct (EU).
The Trial of Valor Raid will be released 8th November (US), 9 November (EU).
Mythic and Raid Finder will be released 15th November (US), 16th November (EU). 



Background Story

Since Loken´s betrayal, Odyn has been trapped within the Halls of Valor as Helya plots in the shadows to claim the souls of his valarjar champions. In recent days, however, great heroes have arrived in the lands of Stormheim in the legion´s wake. Hoping that their might and determination could tip the scales and end Helya´s region. Odyn summons these champions to a final test.


Loot ilvl

+ means that the gear can be Warforged or Titanforged which increases the ilvl more.


Raid Finder

845+ ilvl (Helya 850 ilvl)

No tier


860+ ilvl (Helya 865 ilvl)

No tier


875+ ilvl (Helya 880 ilvl)

No tier


890+ ilvl (Helya 895 ilvl)

No tier


Boss Guides


Odyn Boss Guide


Guarm Boss Guide


Helya Boss Guide

17 Sep 2016